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Architecture Competitions

Call for Paper

This summer school is concerned with the application of decision supports system based on Geographic Information Systems in the urban planning process which is essentially concerned with the overall development of an area with regards to design, environmental aspects of development, transportation and more.

Open Call: Al Jouf Public Library Redesign Competition

The primary objective of the Al Jouf International Public Library Redesign Competition is to update the library’s function, use of space and design, in order to create an environment that accommodates for modern cultural flow and activity. The initiative aims to rethink the library’s function and transform its interiors from an outdated storage space for books, into an open, flexible, energy efficient and sustainable community center. The competition is open to international bids, to enable diversity of submissions, as well as explore alternative solutions for space optimization and usage.

Dancing - Alternative Designs for Clubs

The aim of the “dancing” competition is to develop design proposals for the nightclub typology, intended as a place to experience entertainment in relation to music: listen, perform, dance.

The participants are asked to create innovative and unconventional projects on this theme, questioning the very basis of the notion of a club.

Call for Papers

Retroactive Research: Architecture's capacity to challenge and extend the limits of other disciplines.

New York Vertical City

New York is the emblematic city of professional progress, great ambitions and large corporations. A place where the idea of success in society is pursued although in many cases it is accompanied by long working hours. People spend a third of the day or more in workspaces and most offices were designed to increase productivity regardless of the spatial quality or well-being of employees.

Radical Innovation Awards: Call for Entries

Radical Innovation, an annual competition that calls for the best and brightest innovative concept ideas in the hospitality sphere, announces the opening of its 2018 edition. Both professionals and students alike are encouraged to submit their concepts online December 15th through April 1st.

ARCASIA Travel Prize 2018: KUMIKI

The ARCASIA Travel Prize in Architecture is the travel and research scholarship given to Young Architects of ARCASIA (40 years and under) who are members of the architect institute of their country. The prize aims to promote research in selected fields of study, encourage cross-border education as well as foster cultural exchange between nations and institutes. Sponsored by NS Bluescope (Thailand), this year is the third year of the ARCASIA Travel Prize.

Ideal Spaces Symposium May 2018 - Call for Abstracts

The topic for this year’s symposium is Artificial Natures, ranging from classical ones, such as parks and ideal cities, to garden cities, to new “natural “ environments like social media spaces as new public place. The symposium will take place as a combination of short panels and workgroups.

BAC - Best Architecture Competition

It is an Architecture competition, completely free, addressed to the student of the Polytechnic of Turin, which allows them to put into practice their acquired knowledge in their studies. It will be performed as a one-day workshop where 350 students, working in groups of 3, are invited to develop their project ideas related to a specific theme. The topic will be announced the day of the competition.

Open Call-School of Architecture

Call me Architecture. I am a product of a way of thinking. Over the years, I have presented myself as a dream of civilizations. I have found myself layered endlessly, while my contemporaries have evolved into rather noteworthy images of their primitive selves. Although I am interpreted differently in many a space and time, I may mean the same. I see myself as an instrument to elucidate problems. My nature of debates may have changed and my discipline altered, but I have existed with one and only one purpose: to serve. I remember and I do reflect.

Call for Articles: The Site Magazine Volume 39: Foundations and Disruptions (Technology/Architecture/Urbanism)


Technology is the answer—but what was the question?

—Cedric Price

Just 20 years ago, Nicholas Negroponte, the founder of the MIT Media Lab, anticipated that the post-information age would remove the limitations of geography. Digital living, he said, would allow transmission of place itself. (1) This prediction that technology would destroy distance and that our physicality would lose relevance did not hold true; rather, it expanded the meaning of physical space by making it more complex and inseparable from its digital dimension. (2)

The translation of the built environment into digital information—through robotics, big data, and smart



The ARCASIA Travel Prize in Architecture is the travel and research scholarship given to Young Architects of ARCASIA (40 years and under) who are members of the architect institute of their country. The prize aims to promote research in selected fields of study, encourage cross border education as well as foster cultural exchange between nations and institutes. Sponsored by NS Bluescope (Thailand), this year is the third year of the ARCASIA Travel Prize.

For 2018, the ARCASIA Travel Prize will enable Young Architects to travel and conduct design research in Japan

Call for Submissions: 2018 AIA UK Design Awards

The American Institute of Architects UK Chapter is pleased to announce its 2018 Excellence in Design Awards Programme. For over 20 years, these awards have proven highly valued by architects as they confer transatlantic recognition for design excellence. The awards program recognizes and honours excellence in design in three categories: Professional, Young Architect, and Unbuilt.

Future Campus – University College Dublin International Design Competition

Future Campus – University College Dublin International Design Competition focuses on enhancing and enlivening University College Dublin’s (UCD’s) extensive campus. This competition – the first stage of which closes at 14:00 BST on Monday 26 March 2018 – is seeking an outstanding integrated multidisciplinary team for two much-needed design initiatives.

Open Call: Institute of Patent Infringement

As part of the extended programme of WORK, BODY, LEISURE, the theme of this year Dutch Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, The Institute of Patent Infringement is concerned with the existing legal infrastructure that allows ‘Big Tech’ a strangle-hold on questions surrounding automation, both today and in the future.

Call for Entries: Domaine de Beaucastel Winery

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A few kilometers at the South East of Orange, in the municipality of Courthézon, the Château de Beaucastel vineyard spreads over 130 hectares. The vineyard, where legendary wines are produced, is the jewel of the Perrin Family, already famous among wine lovers in France and worldwide. Entries can be submitted online.

Call for Entries: RIBA Norman Foster Scholarship 2018

The RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship offers £7,000 to a student of architecture who demonstrates the potential for outstanding achievement and original thinking on issues that relate to the survival of cities and towns.

To be eligible, students must be enrolled in, and have successfully completed the first year of, a professional qualification in architecture in one of the schools of architecture listed in the application form (available to download from https://www.architecture.com/fosterscholarship)

Each school can nominate one student only.

24H Competition: 23rd edition - bigData

Ideasforward wants to give young creative people from around the world the opportunity to express their views on the future of societies through their innovative and visionary proposals.
We are an experimental platform seeking progressive ideas that reflect on emerging themes.

Call for Entries: PocketSeat 2018 Design Competition

In today’s crowded world, the aspect of finding comfortable seating in a public arena is a major part of one’s daily activities. A comfortable seating in public helps one relax and reduce fatigue. This social activity, however, may vary with each individual and the kind of space he/she occupies. Most importantly, the nature of the seat ought to cater to every individual irrespective of their age, size or gender.
The act of seating is an opportunity for many to boost inter-personal communication and encourage social and cultural bonding between individuals.
Over the last few years, public spaces offering avenues to sit, relax and strike a conversation with fellow people have drastically reduced, sparking an urgent need for alternative methods of creating personal seating arrangements. It’s imperative that the seat is ideated with the utmost sense of creativity and innovation. Recreating a seat that goes by every individual’s preference and fits within its spatial limitations poses a challenge to our generation.

Call for Submissions: RESPECT ME at 2018 NYC Design Week

Grouphug, the NYC-based design collective, invites emerging and established designers from all disciplines to submit their work for its 2018 NYC Design Week show: RESPECT ME.

Call for Submissions: A Bridge Over Troubled Water

A Bridge Over Troubled Water
An Architectural Competition

As part of our 2017/18 research theme discussing the infrastructural implications of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union, the school has launched an international architecture competition for a fixed link connecting France with the UK.

Open Call: Slavutych 86 Festival of Film and Urbanism Residency

86 Festival of Film and Urbanism (9th-13th May 2018) is an annual festival that takes places in the city of Slavutych, the city built to re-house the workers of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and their families after the explosion in 1986. Different Soviet Republics were invited to build a district in Slavutych, which upon completion were named accordingly - Vilnius, Riga, Moscow, Baku etc.

Open Call: Design Competition for an International Museum of the Crimes of Communism in Tallinn, Estonia

The Estonian Institute of Historical Memory has launched an international design competition to find the best designs for an international museum of the crimes of communism, which is to be established in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. The objective of the design competition is to find a contemporary, attractive and visitor-friendly design for the museum’s architecture, exposition and interior design.

Call for Submissions - New Uses for Old Rivers: Rediscovering Urban Waterways

Projections Volume 14 | MIT Press
Editors: Andrea Beck and Isadora Cruxên

Abstract submission deadline: March 15th, 2018
Paper submission deadline: July 15th, 2018

The goods and ecosystem-based services provided by rivers have been indispensable for the emergence and development of many cities. The first urban civilizations arose on the floodplains of large rivers thousands of years ago. As documented by environmental historians and urban political ecologists, however, from the mid-eighteenth century onwards, urban rivers in much of the industrializing world served predominantly as shipping arteries, flood control channels, hydropower sources, and sinks for urban wastes in the quest for modernity and industrial growth. In the process of industrialization and urbanization, many rivers were being “pushed around” by planners and engineers, and many experienced morphological changes to such an extent that they came to resemble canals more than natural streams. Stretches of some urban rivers were even diverted into underground tunnels, paved, or filled, making them disappear entirely from the cityscape.

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