Urban Summer School: Open Form – Lublin 2018
26 August 2018 - 08 September 2018
Application deadline: May 7, 2018
Completed works by one of the most discussed architectural tandems in post-war Poland, Oskar (1922-2005) and Zofia (1924-2013) Hansen, will become a testing ground for the duration of the Urban Summer School, that is, for two weeks. This international and interdisciplinary project is yet another instalment of the “Visions and Experiences” summer school, initiated by the Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv, and devoted to urban issues. We welcome undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and young professionals operating in the field of architecture, urban planning, art and design, as well as representatives of other areas of humanities (history, sociology, fine arts, anthropology, and more). We extend invitation to all those interested in the present functioning, and the future of modernist housing estates.
Open Form is a concept that Zofia and Oskar Hansen have placed at the heart of their architectural, artistic and didactic work. According to this theory, architectural substance is the background for social relations, rather that the designer’s goal and an end in itself. The Hansens’ built projects were ahead of their time, in terms of thinking about participatory design, accessible housing, and public spaces. The expression of the Open Form is found in three different projects that will be visited by participants of summer school: osiedle Słowackiego in Lublin, Przyczółek Grochowski in Warsaw, and the architects’ home in Szumin. For ten days, these three locations will become a laboratory of experience and reflection.
The school program is designed as a set of short courses, lectures, workshops and field-work in three theme-based studios. The structure of the school will be determined by the scales, which the designers themselves have used: micro, meso and macroscale. They will be translated into the perspective of a flat, a housing estate, and a housing cooperative.
We welcome students, researchers and young professionals operating in the field of architecture, urban planning, art and design, as well as representatives of other areas of humanities (history, sociology, fine arts, anthropology, and more). Recruitment Regulations are available at www.uss.niaiu.pl. We will invite 15 successful candidates to participate in the Urban Summer School.
Application includes:
1. Application form
2. CV (one A4 page)
3. Motivation letter (one A4 page of maximum 1800 characters).
4. Essay “Open Form: Flexibility of Space, Actions of People” (one A4 page of maximum 1800 characters)
All documenst should be sumbitted in English.
Apply here: http://niaiu.pl/en/uss-en/call-for-applications/
Participation in the school is free of charge.
Working language is English.
Deadline for sending applications: 07 May 2018
Announcement of the results: 19 May 2018
For more details feel free to contact the program coordinator Kacper Kępiński at: k.kepinski@niaiu.pl
More information at www.niaiu.pl/en/uss-en/
Organized by: National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning,
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe - Центр міської історії
Partners: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Miasto Lublin
Download the information related to this competition here.
Call for applications: "Urban Summer School: Open form"Type
Call for SubmissionsWebsite
Registration Deadline
June 07, 2018 11:59 PMSubmission Deadline
May 07, 2018 11:59 PMVenue
National Institute of Architecture and Urban PlanningPrice