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  2. Wuhan

Wuhan: The Latest Architecture and News

Reconstruction Design of Wuhan Stray Animal Base Adoption Area / UAO Design

Reconstruction Design of Wuhan Stray Animal Base Adoption Area / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, Renovation, Facade
© Yilong Zhao

Reconstruction Design of Wuhan Stray Animal Base Adoption Area / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, RenovationReconstruction Design of Wuhan Stray Animal Base Adoption Area / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, RenovationReconstruction Design of Wuhan Stray Animal Base Adoption Area / UAO Design - Interior Photography, RenovationReconstruction Design of Wuhan Stray Animal Base Adoption Area / UAO Design - Interior Photography, RenovationReconstruction Design of Wuhan Stray Animal Base Adoption Area / UAO Design - More Images+ 23

Wuhan, China
  • Architects: UAO Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  180
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021

I Do Artist Store with Yue Minjun / AntiStatics Architecture

I Do Artist Store with Yue Minjun / AntiStatics Architecture - Interior Photography, Arts & Architecture, Door, Facade, Column
Facade evening Front View. Image © Dachou Photography

I Do Artist Store with Yue Minjun / AntiStatics Architecture - Interior Photography, Arts & Architecture, Facade, ArchI Do Artist Store with Yue Minjun / AntiStatics Architecture - Interior Photography, Arts & Architecture, StairsI Do Artist Store with Yue Minjun / AntiStatics Architecture - Interior Photography, Arts & Architecture, TableI Do Artist Store with Yue Minjun / AntiStatics Architecture - Interior Photography, Arts & ArchitectureI Do Artist Store with Yue Minjun / AntiStatics Architecture - More Images+ 24

Wiki World Forest Cabins / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]

Wiki World Forest Cabins / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Exterior Photography, Cabins & LodgesWiki World Forest Cabins / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Exterior Photography, Cabins & LodgesWiki World Forest Cabins / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Exterior Photography, Cabins & LodgesWiki World Forest Cabins / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Interior Photography, Cabins & Lodges, Bedroom, Beam, BedWiki World Forest Cabins / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - More Images+ 29

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  80
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Rothoblaas, Italy
  • Professionals: Wiki World

Wuhan Creative Design Center / Office for Urban Renewal

Wuhan Creative Design Center / Office for Urban Renewal - Exterior Photography, Cultural Center, FacadeWuhan Creative Design Center / Office for Urban Renewal - Exterior Photography, Cultural Center, FacadeWuhan Creative Design Center / Office for Urban Renewal - Interior Photography, Cultural CenterWuhan Creative Design Center / Office for Urban Renewal - Exterior Photography, Cultural CenterWuhan Creative Design Center / Office for Urban Renewal - More Images+ 44

Step House / Wonder Architects

Step House / Wonder Architects - Interior Photography, HousesStep House / Wonder Architects - Interior Photography, HousesStep House / Wonder Architects - Interior Photography, HousesStep House / Wonder Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, StairsStep House / Wonder Architects - More Images+ 40

Wuhan, China
  • Architects: WangChong Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  500
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021

Wiki World Natural Camp / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]

Wiki World Natural Camp / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Exterior Photography, CampusWiki World Natural Camp / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Exterior Photography, CampusWiki World Natural Camp / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Exterior Photography, Campus, DoorWiki World Natural Camp / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - Interior Photography, Campus, Beam, Facade, DoorWiki World Natural Camp / Wiki World + Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] - More Images+ 19

Wuhan, China

“Yolechang2020” Market / UAO Design

“Yolechang2020” Market / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, Market“Yolechang2020” Market / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, Market“Yolechang2020” Market / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, Market“Yolechang2020” Market / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, Market“Yolechang2020” Market / UAO Design - More Images+ 26

Wuhan, China
  • Architects: UAO Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3195
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020

WOLEN Dentistry / Pure's Design

WOLEN Dentistry / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Healthcare Interiors, Facade, DoorWOLEN Dentistry / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Healthcare Interiors, StairsWOLEN Dentistry / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Healthcare Interiors, Stairs, HandrailWOLEN Dentistry / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Healthcare InteriorsWOLEN Dentistry / Pure's Design - More Images+ 22

  • Interior Designers: Pure's Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  400
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020

Liangyou Red Town Art Design Center(ADC) / UAO design

Liangyou Red Town Art Design Center(ADC) / UAO design - Interior DesignLiangyou Red Town Art Design Center(ADC) / UAO design - Interior DesignLiangyou Red Town Art Design Center(ADC) / UAO design - Interior DesignLiangyou Red Town Art Design Center(ADC) / UAO design - Interior DesignLiangyou Red Town Art Design Center(ADC) / UAO design - More Images+ 28

UAO Power Office / UAO Design

UAO Power Office / UAO Design - Offices InteriorsUAO Power Office / UAO Design - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Beam, Table, ChairUAO Power Office / UAO Design - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Kitchen, Table, ChairUAO Power Office / UAO Design - Exterior Photography, Offices Interiors, Facade, Table, ChairUAO Power Office / UAO Design - More Images+ 31

  • Architects: UAO Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  474
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019

Write Box Showroom / UAO Design

Write Box Showroom / UAO Design - ShowroomWrite Box Showroom / UAO Design - ShowroomWrite Box Showroom / UAO Design - ShowroomWrite Box Showroom / UAO Design - ShowroomWrite Box Showroom / UAO Design - More Images+ 28

Wuhan, China
  • Architects: UAO Design
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019

Haiyang Village / EXH Design

Haiyang Village / EXH Design - Exterior Photography, Residential, GardenHaiyang Village / EXH Design - Interior Photography, Residential, Beam, Door, Table, Chair, LightingHaiyang Village / EXH Design - ResidentialHaiyang Village / EXH Design - Interior Photography, Residential, Facade, BeamHaiyang Village / EXH Design - More Images+ 16

  • Architects: EXH Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  6894
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019

PACO Restaurant / Pure's Design

PACO Restaurant / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Interior Design, Facade, Lighting, Bench
© Xiaokai Zhang

PACO Restaurant / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Interior Design, Facade, Door, Chair, BenchPACO Restaurant / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Interior Design, Facade, Lighting, BenchPACO Restaurant / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Interior Design, Table, ChairPACO Restaurant / Pure's Design - Interior Photography, Interior Design, Beam, Table, ChairPACO Restaurant / Pure's Design - More Images+ 22

Zones Design Office / Zones Design

Zones Design Office / Zones Design - Offices InteriorsZones Design Office / Zones Design - Offices InteriorsZones Design Office / Zones Design - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Door, ChairZones Design Office / Zones Design - Offices InteriorsZones Design Office / Zones Design - More Images+ 13

  • Interior Designers: Zones Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  350
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  LG-nw100

Island Friends / Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] + WIKI

Island Friends / Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] + WIKI - HousesIsland Friends / Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] + WIKI - HousesIsland Friends / Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] + WIKI - HousesIsland Friends / Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] + WIKI - HousesIsland Friends / Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL] + WIKI - More Images+ 57

Wuhan, China

Wuhan Huashan Library / GLA

Wuhan Huashan Library / GLA - Exterior Photography, Library, FacadeWuhan Huashan Library / GLA - LibraryWuhan Huashan Library / GLA - Interior Photography, Library, Chair, TableWuhan Huashan Library / GLA - LibraryWuhan Huashan Library / GLA - More Images+ 24

Wuhan, China
  • Architects: GLA
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1540
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  CSYPE, WACANG, Wuhan Fumeiyuan

Tencent (Wuhan) R&D Center / GN

Tencent (Wuhan) R&D Center / GN - OfficesTencent (Wuhan) R&D Center / GN - OfficesTencent (Wuhan) R&D Center / GN - OfficesTencent (Wuhan) R&D Center / GN - OfficesTencent (Wuhan) R&D Center / GN - More Images+ 38

  • Architects: GN
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  75000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016

Langtin Yuanzhu Experience Hall / CHALLENGE DESIGN

Langtin Yuanzhu Experience Hall / CHALLENGE DESIGN - Store, Garden, Facade, CityscapeLangtin Yuanzhu Experience Hall / CHALLENGE DESIGN - Store, FacadeLangtin Yuanzhu Experience Hall / CHALLENGE DESIGN - Store, Deck, Facade, HandrailLangtin Yuanzhu Experience Hall / CHALLENGE DESIGN - Store, FacadeLangtin Yuanzhu Experience Hall / CHALLENGE DESIGN - More Images+ 39

Wuhan, China