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  2. Strasbourg

Strasbourg: The Latest Architecture and News

House for a Family in Strasbourg / nara.

House for a Family in Strasbourg / nara. - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeHouse for a Family in Strasbourg / nara. - Interior Photography, Renovation, Door, TableHouse for a Family in Strasbourg / nara. - Interior Photography, Renovation, Table, ChairHouse for a Family in Strasbourg / nara. - RenovationHouse for a Family in Strasbourg / nara. - More Images+ 23

Strasbourg, France
  • Architects: nara.
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  380
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2024
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Louis Poulsen

Jeanne D´Arc Residence / Christophe Rousselle Architecte

Jeanne D´Arc Residence / Christophe Rousselle Architecte - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Facade, BalconyJeanne D´Arc Residence / Christophe Rousselle Architecte - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeJeanne D´Arc Residence / Christophe Rousselle Architecte - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Facade, Door, BalconyJeanne D´Arc Residence / Christophe Rousselle Architecte - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeJeanne D´Arc Residence / Christophe Rousselle Architecte - More Images+ 18

Strasbourg, France

NOLISTRA Housing / LAN Architecture

NOLISTRA Housing  / LAN Architecture - Exterior Photography, Apartments
© Charly Broyez

NOLISTRA Housing  / LAN Architecture - Exterior Photography, ApartmentsNOLISTRA Housing  / LAN Architecture - Exterior Photography, ApartmentsNOLISTRA Housing  / LAN Architecture - Interior Photography, Apartments, FacadeNOLISTRA Housing  / LAN Architecture - Exterior Photography, ApartmentsNOLISTRA Housing  / LAN Architecture - More Images+ 27

Strasbourg, France
  • Architects: LAN Architecture
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  21500
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  KEIM

Maison rue Saint Fridolin House / LDA Architects

Maison rue Saint Fridolin House / LDA Architects - Exterior Photography, Houses, Fence, FacadeMaison rue Saint Fridolin House / LDA Architects - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, ForestMaison rue Saint Fridolin House / LDA Architects - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, Beam, DoorMaison rue Saint Fridolin House / LDA Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, TableMaison rue Saint Fridolin House / LDA Architects - More Images+ 17

Strasbourg, France
  • Architects: LDA Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  100
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Ehrardt, Exeo, Joel Jéremie Rénov, Ozdem, Sani Pro Clean
  • Professionals: ADN Vexin Paysage

20 Times Architecture Sheltered Animals, Not Humans

Architecture may have its roots in sheltering humans from the elements, but that is not to say that architecture is for humans alone. Around the world, there are numerous examples of buildings and shelters designed by architects for other species. Some of these can be whimsical, such as the Dogchitecture exhibit by 10 Mexican architecture firms back in 2013, or the series of BowWow Haus kennels designed by over 80 architects back in 2017, including Zaha Hadid Architects. But others are designed for a more direct impact.

20 Times Architecture Sheltered Animals, Not Humans - Image 1 of 420 Times Architecture Sheltered Animals, Not Humans - Image 2 of 420 Times Architecture Sheltered Animals, Not Humans - Image 3 of 420 Times Architecture Sheltered Animals, Not Humans - Image 4 of 420 Times Architecture Sheltered Animals, Not Humans - More Images+ 42

Danube Vert Car Park / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures

Danube Vert Car Park  / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography,           Parking, FacadeDanube Vert Car Park  / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Interior Photography,           ParkingDanube Vert Car Park  / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Interior Photography,           ParkingDanube Vert Car Park  / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography,           ParkingDanube Vert Car Park  / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - More Images+ 20

Strasbourg, France

Danube Mixed-use Building / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures

Danube Mixed-use Building / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Facade, CityscapeDanube Mixed-use Building / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeDanube Mixed-use Building / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeDanube Mixed-use Building / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Courtyard, Facade, Chair, BenchDanube Mixed-use Building / COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - More Images+ 14

Strasbourg Zoo's Pedagogical Farm and Visitor Center / FREAKS Architecture

Strasbourg Zoo's Pedagogical Farm and Visitor Center  / FREAKS Architecture - Exterior Photography, Visitor Center, FacadeStrasbourg Zoo's Pedagogical Farm and Visitor Center  / FREAKS Architecture - Interior Photography, Visitor Center, Beam, DoorStrasbourg Zoo's Pedagogical Farm and Visitor Center  / FREAKS Architecture - Exterior Photography, Visitor Center, GardenStrasbourg Zoo's Pedagogical Farm and Visitor Center  / FREAKS Architecture - Exterior Photography, Visitor CenterStrasbourg Zoo's Pedagogical Farm and Visitor Center  / FREAKS Architecture - More Images+ 29

Strasbourg, France
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  490
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020

Rehabilitation Old Departmental Archives Housing / Patrick Schweitzer & Associés

Rehabilitation Old Departmental Archives Housing / Patrick Schweitzer & Associés - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeRehabilitation Old Departmental Archives Housing / Patrick Schweitzer & Associés - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Facade, BalconyRehabilitation Old Departmental Archives Housing / Patrick Schweitzer & Associés - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeRehabilitation Old Departmental Archives Housing / Patrick Schweitzer & Associés - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeRehabilitation Old Departmental Archives Housing / Patrick Schweitzer & Associés - More Images+ 8

Strasbourg, France

Tennis Club in Strasbourg / Paul Le Quernec

Tennis Club in Strasbourg  / Paul Le Quernec - Sports InteriorsTennis Club in Strasbourg  / Paul Le Quernec - Exterior Photography, Sports InteriorsTennis Club in Strasbourg  / Paul Le Quernec - Interior Photography, Sports Interiors, BedroomTennis Club in Strasbourg  / Paul Le Quernec - Sports InteriorsTennis Club in Strasbourg  / Paul Le Quernec - More Images+ 26

  • Architects: Paul Le Quernec
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2500
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  CBA, Cilia, Eiffage, Meder, Stutzmann, +2
  • Professionals: Batiserf, E3 Economie

National Institute for Territorial Studies / AZC Architectes + Michel Spitz

National Institute for Territorial Studies / AZC Architectes + Michel Spitz - Research Center, Facade, BalconyNational Institute for Territorial Studies / AZC Architectes + Michel Spitz - Research Center, Facade, DoorNational Institute for Territorial Studies / AZC Architectes + Michel Spitz - Research Center, FacadeNational Institute for Territorial Studies / AZC Architectes + Michel Spitz - Research Center, Facade, HandrailNational Institute for Territorial Studies / AZC Architectes + Michel Spitz - More Images+ 10

Strasbourg, France
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  5760
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Atlas Schindler, Sab Profiel, Sapa Building System International NV, Tarkett, Woodenha Industries

Semaphore: an Ecological Utopia Proposed by Vincent Callebaut

In a design proposal for Soprema’s new company headquarters in Strasbourg, France, Vincent Callebaut Architectures envisions an 8,225 square-meter ecological utopia. The building, called Semaphore, is described in the program as a “green flex office for nomad co-workers” and is dedicated to urban agriculture and employee well-being.

An eco-futuristic building, Semaphore is inspired by biomimicry and intended as a poetic landmark, as well as aiming to serve as a showcase for Soprema’s entire range of insulation, waterproofing, and greening products. The design is an ecological prototype of the green city of the future, working to achieve a symbiosis between humans and nature.

Semaphore: an Ecological Utopia Proposed by Vincent Callebaut - Image 1 of 4Semaphore: an Ecological Utopia Proposed by Vincent Callebaut - Image 2 of 4Semaphore: an Ecological Utopia Proposed by Vincent Callebaut - Image 3 of 4Semaphore: an Ecological Utopia Proposed by Vincent Callebaut - Image 4 of 4Semaphore: an Ecological Utopia Proposed by Vincent Callebaut - More Images+ 18

‘Human Rights’ Sports Center in Strasbourg / Dominique Coulon & associés

Winner Announced for Highrise Residential Tower Competition on the French Rhine

Winner Announced for Highrise Residential Tower Competition on the French Rhine - Image 3 of 4
© Yam Studio

The mayor of Strasbourg, Roland Ries, has announced the winner of the architectural design competition for a residential tower. The site is located near the Rhine, within the ‘Strasbourg, Presqu’ile--Citadelle’ neighborhood -- dense with low-rises, not exceeding five levels. The winning design by KCAP Architects & Planners and OSLO Architectes is commended for its contextual sensitivity and formal relationship with Germany which sits just on the other side of the Rhine river.

Offices and housing Strasbourg / Dominique Coulon & associés

Offices and housing Strasbourg  / Dominique Coulon & associés - Offices Interiors, Beam, TableOffices and housing Strasbourg  / Dominique Coulon & associés - Offices Interiors, Table, LightingOffices and housing Strasbourg  / Dominique Coulon & associés - Offices Interiors, Stairs, HandrailOffices and housing Strasbourg  / Dominique Coulon & associés - Offices Interiors, Facade, ChairOffices and housing Strasbourg  / Dominique Coulon & associés - More Images+ 36

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  500
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2015
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
  • Professionals: Batiserf, BET G.Jost, E3 Economie

Architectural Adventures: Along the Rhine River

Discover the beauty of the Rhine and enjoy as you cruise along this scenic ribbon of river through Germany, France and The Netherlands on an eight-day journey with Architectural Adventures.

Bauhaus Houses, Eritrea's Capital and Ahmedabad's Walled City Among 20 Cultural Sites Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List

UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee, currently holding its forty-first annual session in the Polish city of Krakow, inscribed twenty new cultural sites on its World Heritage List, including the historic city of Ahmedabad in India, archaeological sites in Cambodia and Brazil, and a “cultural landscape” in South Africa. The Committee also added extensions to two sites already on the list: Strasbourg in France, and the Bauhaus in Germany. On the other hand, the historic center of Vienna was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger as the Committee examined the state of conservation of one-hundred-and-fifty-four of its listed sites.

Bauhaus Houses, Eritrea's Capital and Ahmedabad's Walled City Among 20 Cultural Sites Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List - Image 1 of 4Bauhaus Houses, Eritrea's Capital and Ahmedabad's Walled City Among 20 Cultural Sites Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List - Image 2 of 4Bauhaus Houses, Eritrea's Capital and Ahmedabad's Walled City Among 20 Cultural Sites Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List - Image 3 of 4Bauhaus Houses, Eritrea's Capital and Ahmedabad's Walled City Among 20 Cultural Sites Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List - Image 4 of 4Bauhaus Houses, Eritrea's Capital and Ahmedabad's Walled City Among 20 Cultural Sites Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List - More Images+ 4

Seegmuller Tower / Weber + Keiling Architects

Seegmuller Tower / Weber + Keiling Architects - Adaptive Reuse, FacadeSeegmuller Tower / Weber + Keiling Architects - Adaptive Reuse, Facade, Column, ArchSeegmuller Tower / Weber + Keiling Architects - Adaptive ReuseSeegmuller Tower / Weber + Keiling Architects - Adaptive ReuseSeegmuller Tower / Weber + Keiling Architects - More Images+ 24

Strasbourg, France
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  6700
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2015
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Alucobond, Saint-Gobain, VetroTech Saint-Gobain