The mayor of Strasbourg, Roland Ries, has announced the winner of the architectural design competition for a residential tower. The site is located near the Rhine, within the ‘Strasbourg, Presqu’ile--Citadelle’ neighborhood -- dense with low-rises, not exceeding five levels. The winning design by KCAP Architects & Planners and OSLO Architectes is commended for its contextual sensitivity and formal relationship with Germany which sits just on the other side of the Rhine river.
Similar to much of the waterfront neighborhood, the winning residential tower facade is made of brick. Emphasizing the 57-meter height, the bricks form a gradient from base to top, growing paler with each level. As another tool to emphasize the height, the openings in the facade grow larger with the increased height of the tower.
The building form is broken into four stepping masses as the plan transitions from the triangular site to a more regular polygon. Occupying each of these masses is a different housing typology. The base of the tower holds townhouses, the middle a variety of apartments with terraces and panoramic views, while the top floors contain duplexes. The project will bring new 73 housing units to the neighborhood.
KCAP and OSLO will be working with developer SAS-3B towards a permit submission in June 2018, and the full project is anticipated to be realized in 2021.
News via: KCAP.