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Public Square: The Latest Architecture and News

Ghisellini Architects Creates a Forest-Encircled Public Square for Livraga, Italy

Ghisellini Architects, in collaboration with Lucrezia Alemanno and Paolo Beniamino De Vizzi has unveiled the redevelopment and complete redesign project for the new Piazza Francesca Cabrini in Livraga, Italy. Located about 45 kilometers southeast of Milan, the municipality of Livraga set out to transform the currently degraded public space and transform it into an attractive gathering place with site-specific environmental and landscaping features. Construction is expected to begin in August 2023 and is scheduled for competition in 2024.

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Asti Architetti Unveils the Redesign of the Square Surrounding Torre Velasca in Milan, Italy

Torre Velasca, the renowned 1950s skyscraper by BBPR in Milan, Italy, is currently undergoing an extensive renovation process led by Asti Architetti and developed by Hines. After completing the work on the facades and with the extensive restoration of the interiors under way, the office has made public the project for the redesign of the Piazza Velasca, the square surrounding the tower. By turning it into a meeting and social gathering place, the architects hope to restore the status of the complex as a symbol of Milan’s architectural heritage. Pedestrian access to the building, and the renovation of previously disused adjacent spaces will open up the area for public access and will restore the original meaning of “piazza,” or square. The project is scheduled for completion by early 2024.

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Heatherwick Studio and Barcode Architects Reveal the Design of Utrecht’s New City Center Hub

Heatherwick Studio and Barcode Architects have been selected to design a new hub for culture, work and leisure in the Jaarbeursplein central square in Utrecht, Netherlands. The project aims to respond to the city’s diverse population and to bring a sense of warmth and fun to the square, according to the architects. Nicknamed Oopen, the building’s design integrates a colorful collection of cylinders that stand out against the backdrop of the neighborhood. The team has partnered with Edge, a sustainable real estate development company, to help bring the vision to life. Construction is set to start in 2025 and the building will be delivered in 2028.

A-lab and LPO Unveil Design for a Mixed-Use Development as Part of Fjord City Oslo, a Large-Scale Urban Renewal Project

Norwegian architecture offices A-lab and LPO revealed the plan to develop the last remaining plot in Bispevika, part of the Fjord City, a large-scale waterfront urban renewal project in the center of Oslo, Norway. The intervention strengthens the connection between the historic medieval city of Oslo to the new Fjord City while also introducing cultural, creative, and commercial activities to the area. The project comprises five buildings forming a quarter. The proposed massing and height take a contextual approach as they are reduced toward important local monuments such as the baroque residence “Ladegården” with its baroque garden “Barokkhagen." The project is developed by Oslo S Utvikling (OSU), the same client behind the Barcode project, and in collaboration with landscape architects SLA.

A-lab and LPO Unveil Design for a Mixed-Use Development as Part of Fjord City Oslo, a Large-Scale Urban Renewal Project - Image 1 of 4A-lab and LPO Unveil Design for a Mixed-Use Development as Part of Fjord City Oslo, a Large-Scale Urban Renewal Project - Image 2 of 4A-lab and LPO Unveil Design for a Mixed-Use Development as Part of Fjord City Oslo, a Large-Scale Urban Renewal Project - Image 3 of 4A-lab and LPO Unveil Design for a Mixed-Use Development as Part of Fjord City Oslo, a Large-Scale Urban Renewal Project - Image 4 of 4A-lab and LPO Unveil Design for a Mixed-Use Development as Part of Fjord City Oslo, a Large-Scale Urban Renewal Project - More Images+ 7

Public Spaces and Urban Areas: 12 Squares Viewed from Above

Some of the most characteristic features of city squares are related to the presence of people in the space and the purposes they are given, such as places for socializing, sports, tourism, and demonstrations. These different uses, often not foreseen in the project, are closely associated with the ground level, where people can walk around and experience the space. Viewed from an aerial perspective, on the other hand, squares can reveal other aspects related to their architectural design and their placement in the urban context.

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Notre Dame to Receive New Landscape Design: Bas Smets Wins Competition to Reimagine the Cathedral's Surroundings

In parallel with the restoration works underway at the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral, the city of Paris has launched a design competition to redevelop the cathedral’s surroundings. On June 27, the jury announced the team led by landscape designer Bas Smets as the winner of the competition. The project, planned to start in 2024, will reimagine the square and the underground parking spaces beneath it, including the archeological crypt, the Jean XXIII square located behind the cathedral, the Seine riverbanks, and the adjacent streets. This extensive project aims to bring Parisians back to the heart of Paris and welcome the 12 million visitors coming each year in better conditions.

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Snøhetta Wins Competition To Revitalize Urban Square in Helsinki

Snøhetta Wins Competition To Revitalize Urban Square in Helsinki - Featured Image
Courtesy of Snøhetta

Snøhetta won the competition to redesign the Eliel and Asema Square in Helsinki, a public space neighbouring the city’s historic railway station, into a vibrant central hub. Developed together with Finnish practices Davidsson Tarkela Oy and WSP, the proposal aims to contribute to Helsinki’s strategy to increase green mobility by reconnecting the urban fabric to the rail station and framing a “porous new city block” that would foster a more diverse array of indoor and outdoor activities.

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A Public Park in a Former Quarry in Australia and A Garden Bridge in China: 10 Unbuilt Public Spaces and Buildings Submitted to Archdaily

This week's curated selection of Best Unbuilt Architecture highlights public spaces and buildings submitted by the ArchDaily Community. From bridges to squares, from parks to markets and train stations, this article explores the various kinds of public infrastructure that support the urban fabric, showcasing distinct approaches worldwide.

Featuring a bridge that doubles as a garden in China, the redevelopment of public spaces to meet contemporary needs in Montenegro and the Czech Republic, or a pier park in New York, the round-up spans various scales, from single architectural objects to urban strategies, to masterplans. The following projects reveal the ideas that shape public spaces and amenities in different contexts, illustrating diverse approaches towards what constitutes the backbone of the urban fabric.

A Public Park in a Former Quarry in Australia and A Garden Bridge in China: 10 Unbuilt Public Spaces and Buildings Submitted to Archdaily - Image 1 of 4A Public Park in a Former Quarry in Australia and A Garden Bridge in China: 10 Unbuilt Public Spaces and Buildings Submitted to Archdaily - Image 2 of 4A Public Park in a Former Quarry in Australia and A Garden Bridge in China: 10 Unbuilt Public Spaces and Buildings Submitted to Archdaily - Image 3 of 4A Public Park in a Former Quarry in Australia and A Garden Bridge in China: 10 Unbuilt Public Spaces and Buildings Submitted to Archdaily - Image 4 of 4A Public Park in a Former Quarry in Australia and A Garden Bridge in China: 10 Unbuilt Public Spaces and Buildings Submitted to Archdaily - More Images+ 65

Sou Fujimoto Reveals Design for Torch Tower in Tokyo, Japan

Sou Fujimoto Architects has unveiled its design for the top part of the tallest skyscraper in Japan “Torch Tower” in Tokyo, collaborating mainly with Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei, Inc. Standing tall at 390m, the highrise building planned to be ready by 2028, takes on a large plaza at around 300m, generating a space for people.

Azatlyk, Central Square of Naberezhnye Chelny / DROM

Azatlyk, Central Square of Naberezhnye Chelny / DROM - Exterior Photography, RenovationAzatlyk, Central Square of Naberezhnye Chelny / DROM - RenovationAzatlyk, Central Square of Naberezhnye Chelny / DROM - Exterior Photography, RenovationAzatlyk, Central Square of Naberezhnye Chelny / DROM - Exterior Photography, Renovation, ArchAzatlyk, Central Square of Naberezhnye Chelny / DROM - More Images+ 17

Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
  • Architects: DROM
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  7800
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AutoDesk, Chaos Group, Adobe, Kammenyj Vek, Tile manufacturer Kamennyj vek, +1
  • Professionals: DROM, Strelka KB, KMT Pro, NOVASCAPE

Caret Studio Reactivates Italian Plaza While Respecting Social Distancing Measures

As architects around the world reimagine public spaces in the midst of the coronavirus, Italian architecture firm Caret Studio has envisioned the “StoDistante” installation. Searching to reconcile people with the outdoors, and allowing theses spaces to reopen safely while respecting the social distancing measures, Caret Studio created a temporary installation that reflects our current situation.

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The Gastro Safe Zone: A Public Space Proposal that Considers Social Distancing Measures

HUA HUA Architects has imagined a proposal that can reconcile people and public spaces, post Covid-19. The Gastro Safe Zone program aims to awaken stagnant gastronomic businesses by regulating outside eating and ensuring the required social distancing measures. The first prototype has been already installed in the streets of Brno in the Czech Republic.

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