Filming architecture comes to Lisbon, Portugal! This is an academic itinerant workshop about architecture representation and narratives through cinematography, and will be part of the closing activities of the 2016 Lisbon Architecture Triennale. As the final product, students will produce a short movie filmed at a Museu dos Coches, a paradigmatic building designed by Paulo Mendes da Rocha and Ricardo Bak Gordon.
Priscyla Gomes: The Latest Architecture and News
Video: The Glass House / Workshop “filming architecture”
In a three day pilot workshop, students from the Architecture and Urbanism School of Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo took part in an introduction to architecture filmmaking. Coordinated by architects Gabriel Kogan and Pedro Kok, the group spent a day at Lina Bo Bardi's Glass House in São Paulo following theoretical and technical lectures.
The idea was to recreate – now in moving images – an iconic photograph of the site by exploring issues of representation, transparency, interior/exterior, promenades, ways of living and the tectonics of this architectural masterpiece. Baratto