Filming architecture comes to Lisbon, Portugal! This is an academic itinerant workshop about architecture representation and narratives through cinematography, and will be part of the closing activities of the 2016 Lisbon Architecture Triennale. As the final product, students will produce a short movie filmed at a Museu dos Coches, a paradigmatic building designed by Paulo Mendes da Rocha and Ricardo Bak Gordon.
Students will come into contact with the basic techniques of digital cinematography, with a special focus on architectural representation. The film’s argument and script will be developed within the group, as a critical observation of the site’s architecture, as either documental or fictional-narrative approach.
Filming architecture is an itinerant workshop about architecture representation and narratives through cinematography, organised by Gabriel Kogan, Pedro Kok and Priscyla Gomes. Based in São Paulo, Brazil, filming architecture ran a pilot 2-day workshop with architecture students from Mackenzie University at Lina Bo Bardi’s Glass House. Pedro Kok and Gabriel Kogan have also worked together in films for Studio MK27, such as This was not my dream and Textures and Ants.
Photographer, works and researches photography and videography of architecture, urban structures and cities. He graduated from the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP) and got his Master of Arts in Fine Arts from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, the Netherlands, in 2011. His photographs have circulated in brazilian and international architecture publications, on printed and digital platforms. Since 2010 he has been dedicated to the production of short movies in partnership with architects, curators and publishers.
Architect and journalist, graduated from the School of Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). and master at UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands. Guest tutor at Politecnico di Milano. Colaborated with Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, bamboo and A+U (Japan). Worked at Studio MK27 (2007-2015) and launched in 2015 Instituto Centro Pesquisas Urbanas, where he edits Centro magazine (http://revistacentro.org/).
Curator and architect, graduated from the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). She is also a technician in Digital Cinema by the International Film Academy. Priscyla currently takes part of the Curatorial Research Center of the Tomie Ohtake Institute, where she has signed exhibits such as Medos Modernos and the 5th 3M Exhibit of Digital Art. She acted as curatorial and editorial assistant of a series of exhibits and publications about Brazilian Architecture which began in 2011.
Date and Place
Museu dos Coches – National Carriage Museum, Lisbon, Portugal
December 5 to 10th, 2016 (from 10:30AM to 6:30PM)
Course duration
32 hours (a certificate will be issued to students with at least 75% presence)
Target audience
Architects and students of architecture, with varied interests including photography, cinematography (directing, editing, camera), scenography, theatre, dance, acting, sound engineering (recording, mixing), musical composition, production, literary creation, drawing (technical or free-style), architectural history and criticism.
English and portuguese. The organisers are fluent in brazilian portuguese. In case of participation of non-portuguese speakers, english lectures will be provided. All communication with organisers can be in either portuguese or english.
Up to 20 students, registration until November 25th 2106. The minimal number of students is 10.
Cost of the workshop
€390,- per person fee for the workshop programme. Payment will be requested through PayPal after registration.
Accommodation, transportation and airfare from/to your home city is not included in the workshop cost. In case of cancellation of the workshop by the organisers, we will reimburse workshop fees. Accommodation, transportation or other expenses will not be reimbursed.
Registration and more information
10h30 – Introduction to filming architecture workshop programme
11h00-12h30 – Narrative as architecture. Architecture as narrative. Gabriel Kogan
12h30-14h00 – Lunch break
14h00-15h30 – Architectural photography. Pedro Kok
16h00-18h30 – Scriptwriting workshop
10h30-12h30 – Movements in architecture. Pedro Kok
12h30-14h00 – Lunch Break
14h00-15h30 – The architecture of Paulo Mendes da Rocha. Gabriel Kogan
15h30-18h30 – Scriptwriting and filming workshop
10h30-12h30 – Filming activities
12h30-14h00 – Lunch break
14h00-18h30 – Filming activities
10h30-12h30 – Filming activities
12h30-14h00 – Lunch break
14h00-18h30 – Filming activities
10h30-12h30 – Post-production and editing
12h30-14h00 – Lunch break
14h00-18h30 – Post production and editing
Final film screening