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China Architecture Design Group: The Latest Architecture and News

China Pavilion's Plan for Expo Osaka 2025: A Showcase of Traditional Chinese Inscribed Slips

The China Pavilion's plan for Expo Osaka 2025 was revealed at a press conference held on April 26th, 2023, by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Created by the China Architecture Design Group (CADG), the design revolves around "Inscribed Slips of China," resembling traditional Chinese inscribed slips and incorporating elements of bamboo, Chinese characters, and ancient books. This design showcases China's spirit and cultural essence, emphasizing the harmony between humanity and nature and China's commitment to sustainable development in the modern era.

China Pavilion's Plan for Expo Osaka 2025: A Showcase of Traditional Chinese Inscribed Slips - Image 1 of 4China Pavilion's Plan for Expo Osaka 2025: A Showcase of Traditional Chinese Inscribed Slips - Image 2 of 4China Pavilion's Plan for Expo Osaka 2025: A Showcase of Traditional Chinese Inscribed Slips - Image 3 of 4China Pavilion's Plan for Expo Osaka 2025: A Showcase of Traditional Chinese Inscribed Slips - Image 4 of 4China Pavilion's Plan for Expo Osaka 2025: A Showcase of Traditional Chinese Inscribed Slips - More Images+ 2

Lanzhou Planning Exhibition Hall / China Architecture Design & Research Group, Land-based Rationalism DRC

Lanzhou Planning Exhibition Hall / China Architecture Design & Research Group, Land-based Rationalism DRC - GalleryLanzhou Planning Exhibition Hall / China Architecture Design & Research Group, Land-based Rationalism DRC - GalleryLanzhou Planning Exhibition Hall / China Architecture Design & Research Group, Land-based Rationalism DRC - GalleryLanzhou Planning Exhibition Hall / China Architecture Design & Research Group, Land-based Rationalism DRC - GalleryLanzhou Planning Exhibition Hall / China Architecture Design & Research Group, Land-based Rationalism DRC - More Images+ 21

Lanzhou, China

Renovation of Xi'an Dahua Textile Mill / China Architecture Design Group Land-based Rationalism D.R.C

Renovation of Xi'an Dahua Textile Mill / China Architecture Design Group Land-based Rationalism D.R.C - Refurbishment, Facade, Cityscape
Aerial. Image © Frederic Henriques

Renovation of Xi'an Dahua Textile Mill / China Architecture Design Group Land-based Rationalism D.R.C - Refurbishment, FacadeRenovation of Xi'an Dahua Textile Mill / China Architecture Design Group Land-based Rationalism D.R.C - Refurbishment, Facade, Column, Fence, StairsRenovation of Xi'an Dahua Textile Mill / China Architecture Design Group Land-based Rationalism D.R.C - Refurbishment, Beam, Facade, ColumnRenovation of Xi'an Dahua Textile Mill / China Architecture Design Group Land-based Rationalism D.R.C - Refurbishment, Garden, FacadeRenovation of Xi'an Dahua Textile Mill / China Architecture Design Group Land-based Rationalism D.R.C - More Images+ 60