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Building Technology and Materials: The Latest Architecture and News

Slit House / EASTERN Design Office

Slit House / EASTERN Design Office - Image 4 of 4
© Koichi Torimura

Designed for an 80 year old woman, EASTERN Design Office’s Slit House, a reinforced concrete residential project, “presents her both a life space with a soft light and an interesting experience of scale unlikely in a house.” Situated in an old Japanese city on a site 50 meters by 7.5 meters, the home has long slits that run along a 22 centimeter thick wall, making the interior space open, while providing enough privacy.

More about the home and more images after the break.

House in Mukouyama / TSC Architects

STEMcloud v2.0 / ecoLogicStudio

STEMcloud v2.0 / ecoLogicStudio - Image 11 of 4

After meeting Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, founders of ecoLogicStudio at the Beyond Media Festival in Florence, they talked to us about one of their latest projects, the STEMcloud v2.0 that now we want to share here, as is a really new and avant-garde vision about parametric and genetic architecture and the way that human interaction can bring new life to architecture projects:

The STEMcloud v2.0 project proposes the development and testing of an architectural prototype operating as an oxygen making machine. The project has been presented and designed for the SEVILLE ART and ARCHITECTURAL BIENNALE 2008.

Galvani House / Christian Pottgiesser - architecturespossibles

Galvani House / Christian Pottgiesser - architecturespossibles - Refurbishment, Garden, Stairs, Facade, Door, Handrail, BeamGalvani House / Christian Pottgiesser - architecturespossibles - Refurbishment, Kitchen, Facade, Door, Balcony, Table, ChairGalvani House / Christian Pottgiesser - architecturespossibles - Refurbishment, Door, Lighting, Table, ChairGalvani House / Christian Pottgiesser - architecturespossibles - Refurbishment, Facade, HandrailGalvani House / Christian Pottgiesser - architecturespossibles - More Images+ 21

Body House / Monolab

Body House / Monolab - Houses, Facade, StairsBody House / Monolab - Houses, Door, Facade, Column, Beam, ArchBody House / Monolab - Houses, Chair, TableBody House / Monolab - Houses, Stairs, Facade, HandrailBody House / Monolab - More Images+ 21

Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Architects: Monolab: Monolab architects (Rotterdam)
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  156
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2001

I'm lost in Paris / R&Sie(n)

I'm lost in Paris / R&Sie(n) - Other Structures, Garden, FacadeI'm lost in Paris / R&Sie(n) - Other StructuresI'm lost in Paris / R&Sie(n) - Other Structures, Garden, ForestI'm lost in Paris / R&Sie(n) - Other StructuresI'm lost in Paris / R&Sie(n) - More Images+ 42

  • Architects: R&Sie(n)
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  130
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2008

PUMA City, Shipping Container Store / LOT-EK

PUMA City, Shipping Container Store / LOT-EK - Featured Image

Our green friends over Inhabitat just tipped us on a new project by NYC/Napoli based office LOT-EK, a practice that has been doing an interesting job by reusing containers.

24 containers are put together to create a 3 storey store with over 11,000 sqf, including a bar/lounge area and 2 decks.

The store is currently at the Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009, and it´s transported to each location (Alicante, Boston, Stockholm) and assembled quickly.

More pictures details after the jump.

Green Void / LAVA

Green Void / LAVA - Image 25 of 4

Architects: LAVA – Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser and Alexander Rieck Location: Sydney, Australia Project year: 2008 Project Team: Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck Collaborators: Jarrod Lamshed, Esan Rahmani, Kim Ngoc Nguyen, Anh Dao Trinh, Erik Escalante Mendoza, Pascal Tures, Mi Jin Chun, Andrea Dorici Materials: Specially treated high-tech Nylon and light Area: 300 sqm Volume: 3,000 sqm Fabrication and installation: Mak Max Photographs: LAVA

Green Void / LAVA - Image 24 of 4Green Void / LAVA - Image 23 of 4Green Void / LAVA - Image 22 of 4Green Void / LAVA - Featured ImageGreen Void / LAVA - More Images+ 21

XVI Chilean Architecture Biennale / Assadi + Pulido

XVI Chilean Architecture Biennale / Assadi + Pulido - Pavilion, Beam, Facade, Lighting, ChairXVI Chilean Architecture Biennale / Assadi + Pulido - Pavilion, FacadeXVI Chilean Architecture Biennale / Assadi + Pulido - PavilionXVI Chilean Architecture Biennale / Assadi + Pulido - PavilionXVI Chilean Architecture Biennale / Assadi + Pulido - More Images+ 53

  • Architects: Assadi + Pulido
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  400
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2008

Bubbletecture H / Shuhei Endo

Bubbletecture H / Shuhei Endo - Institutional Buildings, Beam, Facade, Arch, TableBubbletecture H / Shuhei Endo - Institutional Buildings, Arch, ForestBubbletecture H / Shuhei Endo - Institutional Buildings, Beam, Arch, LightingBubbletecture H / Shuhei Endo - Institutional BuildingsBubbletecture H / Shuhei Endo - More Images

  • Architects: Shuhei Endo
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  5000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2006

Soundhouse / Jefferson Sheard Architects + Careyjones Architects

Soundhouse / Jefferson Sheard Architects + Careyjones Architects - University, FacadeSoundhouse / Jefferson Sheard Architects + Careyjones Architects - University, FacadeSoundhouse / Jefferson Sheard Architects + Careyjones Architects - University, FacadeSoundhouse / Jefferson Sheard Architects + Careyjones Architects - University, FacadeSoundhouse / Jefferson Sheard Architects + Careyjones Architects - More Images+ 2

Mobile Performance Venue / Various Architects

Mobile Performance Venue / Various Architects - Image 9 of 4

Various Architects is a collaborative design office based in Norway, and they shared with us a very innovative project: a Mobile Performance Venue. Designed to host the performance “ID – Identity of the soul” (touring worldwide in 2009), the client requested a unique and iconic structure. Also, this venue needs to be mobile, so volume/weight were key on this design developed as a flexible ellipse structured with aluminium frames and an inflatable hexagonal skin.

Once built, it will be the world´s largest mobile performance venue, fitting on 30 standard containers for shipping.

Can´t wait till 2009 to see it? Be sure to check the test inflation of a full scale mock-up, a preview of how it will look like when finished. Below, project description, plans and renderings. Thanks to Jim Dodson from VA for sending this in.

Jewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco / Studio Libeskind

Jewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco / Studio Libeskind - Museum, FacadeJewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco / Studio Libeskind - Museum, FacadeJewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco / Studio Libeskind - Museum, FacadeJewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco / Studio Libeskind - Museum, LightingJewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco / Studio Libeskind - More Images+ 43

San Francisco, United States

Your Wall House

Your Wall House - Image 1 of 4

Undoubtly, Wall House was one of the most innovative house designs in the last few years. But after winning the AR Emergent Awards 2007, being selected as one of the Record Houses 2008 by Architectural Record and their clients response, FAR frohn&rojas architects decided to go one step ahead and now they present Your Wall House, a customizable kit to build your own Wall House.

The kit goes from squematic drawings to a full custom climate concept, which will result on a variaton of the original Wall House according to personal needs, interests, local building code and the local climate conditions.

Kits and prices:

GreenPix: Zero Energy Media Wall /

GreenPix: Zero Energy Media Wall /  - Installation, Facade, CityscapeGreenPix: Zero Energy Media Wall /  - Installation, FacadeGreenPix: Zero Energy Media Wall /  - Installation, Facade, CityscapeGreenPix: Zero Energy Media Wall /  - Installation, Door, FacadeGreenPix: Zero Energy Media Wall /  - More Images+ 32

Beijing, China
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2008

Herringbone Houses / Alison Brooks Architects

Herringbone Houses / Alison Brooks Architects - Houses, Facade, DoorHerringbone Houses / Alison Brooks Architects - Houses, Bedroom, Facade, Beam, Table, ChairHerringbone Houses / Alison Brooks Architects - Houses, FacadeHerringbone Houses / Alison Brooks Architects - Houses, Facade, BeamHerringbone Houses / Alison Brooks Architects - More Images+ 28

Wall house / FAR frohn&rojas

Wall house / FAR frohn&rojas - Houses, Beam, Facade, Handrail, StairsWall house / FAR frohn&rojas - Houses, Door, ChairWall house / FAR frohn&rojas - Houses, StairsWall house / FAR frohn&rojas - Houses, Facade, DoorWall house / FAR frohn&rojas - More Images+ 29

Santiago, Chile