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  2. Brunswick

Brunswick: The Latest Architecture and News

House B / Kart Projects | Architecture

House B / Kart Projects | Architecture - RenovationHouse B / Kart Projects | Architecture - Interior Photography, Renovation, Kitchen, Table, Chair, LightingHouse B / Kart Projects | Architecture - RenovationHouse B / Kart Projects | Architecture - Interior Photography, Renovation, Facade, DoorHouse B / Kart Projects | Architecture - More Images+ 24

Georg-Eckert Campus of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Sehw Architektur

Georg-Eckert Campus of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Sehw Architektur - Exterior Photography, Educational Architecture, Courtyard, FacadeGeorg-Eckert Campus of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Sehw Architektur - Interior Photography, Educational Architecture, Table, ChairGeorg-Eckert Campus of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Sehw Architektur - Interior Photography, Educational Architecture, Facade, Beam, ColumnGeorg-Eckert Campus of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Sehw Architektur - Interior Photography, Educational ArchitectureGeorg-Eckert Campus of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Sehw Architektur - More Images+ 20

Terrace House / Austin Maynard Architects

Terrace House / Austin Maynard Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential, Facade, DoorTerrace House / Austin Maynard Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential, Deck, Fence, Facade, Handrail, BalconyTerrace House / Austin Maynard Architects - Interior Photography, Residential, FacadeTerrace House / Austin Maynard Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential, Garden, Fence, FacadeTerrace House / Austin Maynard Architects - More Images+ 71

388 Barkly Street Apartments / DREAMER + Breathe Architecture

388 Barkly Street Apartments / DREAMER + Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Apartments, Stairs, Facade, Handrail388 Barkly Street Apartments / DREAMER + Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Apartments, Facade388 Barkly Street Apartments / DREAMER + Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Apartments, Bedroom, Lighting, Table388 Barkly Street Apartments / DREAMER + Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Apartments, Kitchen, Countertop, Table, Lighting, Chair388 Barkly Street Apartments / DREAMER + Breathe Architecture - More Images+ 22

Brunswick, Australia
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Artemide, Frama, MDF Italia, VERZOLLINI

Brunswick Bush Shack / Sarah Kahn Architect

Brunswick Bush Shack / Sarah Kahn Architect - Exterior Photography, ExtensionBrunswick Bush Shack / Sarah Kahn Architect - Interior Photography, Extension, Table, ChairBrunswick Bush Shack / Sarah Kahn Architect - Interior Photography, Extension, Kitchen, Facade, Table, Lighting, CountertopBrunswick Bush Shack / Sarah Kahn Architect - Interior Photography, Extension, FacadeBrunswick Bush Shack / Sarah Kahn Architect - More Images+ 13

Peek House / Kuzman Architecture

Peek House / Kuzman Architecture - Interior Photography, House Interiors, Beam, ChairPeek House / Kuzman Architecture - Interior Photography, House Interiors, Bathroom, Sink, TablePeek House / Kuzman Architecture - Interior Photography, House Interiors, Table, ChairPeek House / Kuzman Architecture - Exterior Photography, House Interiors, Fence, FacadePeek House / Kuzman Architecture - More Images+ 13

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  129
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Angelluci 20th Century, Caroma, Dulux, Lights Lights Lights, Phoenix Tapware, +2

Urban Joinery House / Lisa Cummins Architect

Urban Joinery House / Lisa Cummins Architect - Exterior Photography, Renovation
© Shannon McGrath

Urban Joinery House / Lisa Cummins Architect - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeUrban Joinery House / Lisa Cummins Architect - Interior Photography, Renovation, Facade, StairsUrban Joinery House / Lisa Cummins Architect - Interior Photography, Renovation, DoorUrban Joinery House / Lisa Cummins Architect - Interior Photography, RenovationUrban Joinery House / Lisa Cummins Architect - More Images+ 20

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  160
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  APLO, Artedomus, Axess Glass, Big River Group, Colorbond, +6

Clad Pad House Renovation / Mihaly Slocombe

Clad Pad House Renovation / Mihaly Slocombe - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeClad Pad House Renovation / Mihaly Slocombe - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeClad Pad House Renovation / Mihaly Slocombe - Interior Photography, Renovation, Table, ChairClad Pad House Renovation / Mihaly Slocombe - Interior Photography, Renovation, TableClad Pad House Renovation / Mihaly Slocombe - More Images+ 20

Union House / Austin Maynard Architects

Union House / Austin Maynard Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, Lighting, Chair, TableUnion House / Austin Maynard Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Table, CountertopUnion House / Austin Maynard Architects - Exterior Photography, HousesUnion House / Austin Maynard Architects - Interior Photography, HousesUnion House / Austin Maynard Architects - More Images+ 51

Brunswick, Australia

Roux Center for the Environment / CambridgeSeven

Roux Center for the Environment / CambridgeSeven - Interior Photography, Research CenterRoux Center for the Environment / CambridgeSeven - Interior Photography, Research Center, Stairs, HandrailRoux Center for the Environment / CambridgeSeven - Exterior Photography, Research Center, GardenRoux Center for the Environment / CambridgeSeven - Interior Photography, Research CenterRoux Center for the Environment / CambridgeSeven - More Images+ 17

  • Architects: CambridgeSeven
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  29000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AutoDesk, Owens Corning, Armstrong Ceilings, Derako, Durcon Incorporated, +6

The Commons / Breathe Architecture

The Commons / Breathe Architecture - Exterior Photography, Housing, Facade
© Tom Ross

The Commons / Breathe Architecture - HousingThe Commons / Breathe Architecture - Exterior Photography, Housing, FacadeThe Commons / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Housing, Stairs, LightingThe Commons / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Housing, FacadeThe Commons / Breathe Architecture - More Images+ 22

Brunswick, Australia

Breathe Offices / Breathe Architecture

Breathe Offices / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Facade, TableBreathe Offices / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Door, Table, ChairBreathe Offices / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Facade, DoorBreathe Offices / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Offices InteriorsBreathe Offices / Breathe Architecture - More Images+ 11

Nightingale 1 / Breathe Architecture

Nightingale 1 / Breathe Architecture - Residential, FacadeNightingale 1 / Breathe Architecture - Residential, FacadeNightingale 1 / Breathe Architecture - Residential, Beam, Facade, Table, Lighting, ChairNightingale 1 / Breathe Architecture - Residential, Patio, Facade, Door, Table, Lighting, ChairNightingale 1 / Breathe Architecture - More Images+ 11

Brunswick, Australia

Brunswick House / Chan Architecture

Brunswick House / Chan Architecture - HousesBrunswick House / Chan Architecture - HousesBrunswick House / Chan Architecture - HousesBrunswick House / Chan Architecture - HousesBrunswick House / Chan Architecture - More Images+ 9

Brunswick, Australia

Project Brunswick / Modscape

Project Brunswick / Modscape  - HousesProject Brunswick / Modscape  - HousesProject Brunswick / Modscape  - HousesProject Brunswick / Modscape  - HousesProject Brunswick / Modscape  - More Images+ 5

Brunswick, Australia
  • Architects: Modscape
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  113
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Colorbond, Corian, Enzie, Marca corona, Travertine

Garden Pavilion / Bloxas

Garden Pavilion / Bloxas - Houses Interiors, Facade, Table, ChairGarden Pavilion / Bloxas - Houses Interiors, Garden, Facade, DoorGarden Pavilion / Bloxas - Houses Interiors, Kitchen, Facade, Beam, Door, Table, Chair, LightingGarden Pavilion / Bloxas - Houses Interiors, Garden, Facade, ForestGarden Pavilion / Bloxas - More Images+ 13

  • Architects: Bloxas
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  148
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  APLO, Concrete slab, Western Red Cedar timber

Brunswick House / Christopher Botterill

Brunswick House / Christopher Botterill - Houses, Door, Stairs, Facade, ColumnBrunswick House / Christopher Botterill - Houses, Kitchen, Table, ChairBrunswick House / Christopher Botterill - Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Table, Chair, Lighting, CountertopBrunswick House / Christopher Botterill - Houses, Bathroom, Bathtub, Sink, Lighting, CountertopBrunswick House / Christopher Botterill - More Images+ 7

Brunswick, Australia
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  92
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011