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  2. Aarhus

Aarhus: The Latest Architecture and News

In Progress: Iceberg / CEBRA + JDS + SeARCH + Louis Paillard

We’ve been covering CEBRA + JDS + SeARCH + Louis Paillard’s geometric harbor project for Arhus, Denmark. The huge project, which measures over 21,000 sqm, will include mixed dwellings types and commercial space. CEBRA has shared a few short video clips with us, highlighting the progress of the project. This featured clip is shot from the bridge connecting the future harbor promenade across the nearby canal. The grey concrete wall shown is the beginning of the southern facade (the actual floor is on top of the wall) and behind the wall is where the parking is situated.

Another video, as well as a few construction photos, after the break.

Video: Experiment process model

Rasmus Svingel shared with us a movie of a model he put together, part of his current work at Aarhus School of Architecture in Denmark. It’s an investigation of space and program diversity through movement. The model arose from a digital model that were processed into an anolog structure.