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  2. Utrecht

Utrecht: The Latest Architecture and News

De Kwekerij Apartments / Arons & Gelauff architecten

De Kwekerij Apartments / Arons & Gelauff architecten - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeDe Kwekerij Apartments / Arons & Gelauff architecten - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeDe Kwekerij Apartments / Arons & Gelauff architecten - ApartmentsDe Kwekerij Apartments / Arons & Gelauff architecten - ApartmentsDe Kwekerij Apartments / Arons & Gelauff architecten - More Images+ 14

Nimeto Transformation of a Craft School / Maarten van Kesteren Architecten

Nimeto Transformation of a Craft School / Maarten van Kesteren Architecten - Exterior Photography, Schools , Garden, FacadeNimeto Transformation of a Craft School / Maarten van Kesteren Architecten - Interior Photography, Schools , Facade, Beam, Door, Table, Lighting, ChairNimeto Transformation of a Craft School / Maarten van Kesteren Architecten - Interior Photography, Schools , Handrail, Beam, FacadeNimeto Transformation of a Craft School / Maarten van Kesteren Architecten - Interior Photography, Schools , Beam, Column, LightingNimeto Transformation of a Craft School / Maarten van Kesteren Architecten - More Images+ 22

de Boemerang’ Primary School / EVA architecten

de Boemerang’ Primary School / EVA architecten - Exterior Photography, Detail, Facade, Doorde Boemerang’ Primary School / EVA architecten - Exterior Photography, Detail, Facadede Boemerang’ Primary School / EVA architecten - Exterior Photography, Detail, Facade, Doorde Boemerang’ Primary School / EVA architecten - Interior Photography, Detail, Facade, Doorde Boemerang’ Primary School / EVA architecten - More Images+ 10

  • Architects: EVA architecten
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1400
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Aesy Liften, Centor Doors, Ecophon, Gyproc Rigitone, Velux flat roof

Bovenbouwwerkplaats Transformation / Studioninedots

Bovenbouwwerkplaats Transformation / Studioninedots - Exterior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Garden, Facade, FenceBovenbouwwerkplaats Transformation / Studioninedots - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Facade, Door, ArchBovenbouwwerkplaats Transformation / Studioninedots - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Beam, FacadeBovenbouwwerkplaats Transformation / Studioninedots - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Facade, Beam, Handrail, ArchBovenbouwwerkplaats Transformation / Studioninedots - More Images+ 8

  • Architects: Studioninedots
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  8000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022

Open Ateliers / HOH Architecten

Open Ateliers / HOH Architecten - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Garden, FacadeOpen Ateliers / HOH Architecten - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeOpen Ateliers / HOH Architecten - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Fence, FacadeOpen Ateliers / HOH Architecten - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeOpen Ateliers / HOH Architecten - More Images+ 22

  • Architects: HOH Architecten
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1800
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Professionals: HLE Bouw

Werkspoor Factory / Zecc Architecten

Werkspoor Factory / Zecc Architecten - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Facade, BeamWerkspoor Factory / Zecc Architecten - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Beam, Table, ChairWerkspoor Factory / Zecc Architecten - Exterior Photography, Adaptive ReuseWerkspoor Factory / Zecc Architecten - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, FacadeWerkspoor Factory / Zecc Architecten - More Images+ 12

Central Park Office Tower / GROUP A

Central Park Office Tower / GROUP A - Exterior Photography, Office BuildingsCentral Park Office Tower / GROUP A - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeCentral Park Office Tower / GROUP A - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeCentral Park Office Tower / GROUP A - Interior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeCentral Park Office Tower / GROUP A - More Images+ 19

Steel Craft House / Zecc Architecten

Steel Craft House / Zecc Architecten - Interior Photography, Renovation, Stairs, Door, HandrailSteel Craft House / Zecc Architecten - Exterior Photography, RenovationSteel Craft House / Zecc Architecten - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeSteel Craft House / Zecc Architecten - Interior Photography, Renovation, Door, FacadeSteel Craft House / Zecc Architecten - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: Zecc Architecten
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  95
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020

Circular Garden Pavilion / EVA

Circular Garden Pavilion  / EVA - Exterior Photography, Small Scale, FacadeCircular Garden Pavilion  / EVA - Interior Photography, Small ScaleCircular Garden Pavilion  / EVA - Exterior Photography, Small Scale, Door, FacadeCircular Garden Pavilion  / EVA - Exterior Photography, Small Scale, FacadeCircular Garden Pavilion  / EVA - More Images+ 8

  • Architects: EVA
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  100
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Accoya, AutoDesk, ACT 3D, Adobe Systems Incorporated, Gutex, +3
  • Professionals: Bouwstructuur, Buro Beuk

ZigZag House / Jasper Smits Architecture

ZigZag House / Jasper Smits Architecture - Interior Photography, Houses, StairsZigZag House / Jasper Smits Architecture - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, LightingZigZag House / Jasper Smits Architecture - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Table, ChairZigZag House / Jasper Smits Architecture - Interior Photography, Houses, Stairs, HandrailZigZag House / Jasper Smits Architecture - More Images+ 21

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  236
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Ruukki, Fabiton, Iboma, Nemetschek, Schüco, +3

Genmab Research Building / Cepezed

Genmab Research Building / Cepezed - Exterior Photography, Sustainability & Green Design, FacadeGenmab Research Building / Cepezed - Interior Photography, Sustainability & Green Design, Stairs, Handrail, FacadeGenmab Research Building / Cepezed - Interior Photography, Sustainability & Green Design, Kitchen, Facade, Beam, Table, ChairGenmab Research Building / Cepezed - Interior Photography, Sustainability & Green Design, Facade, Door, Handrail, ChairGenmab Research Building / Cepezed - More Images+ 16

Poortgebouw Entrance Building / SVP Architectuur & Stedenbouw

Poortgebouw Entrance Building / SVP Architectuur & Stedenbouw - Interior Photography, Other, Stairs, Facade, DoorPoortgebouw Entrance Building / SVP Architectuur & Stedenbouw - Exterior Photography, OtherPoortgebouw Entrance Building / SVP Architectuur & Stedenbouw - Interior Photography, Other, FacadePoortgebouw Entrance Building / SVP Architectuur & Stedenbouw - Exterior Photography, OtherPoortgebouw Entrance Building / SVP Architectuur & Stedenbouw - More Images+ 11

Utrecht Central Library & Post Office / Zecc Architecten + Rijnboutt

Utrecht Central Library & Post Office / Zecc Architecten + Rijnboutt - Exterior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, FacadeUtrecht Central Library & Post Office / Zecc Architecten + Rijnboutt - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Arch, ColumnUtrecht Central Library & Post Office / Zecc Architecten + Rijnboutt - Exterior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, FacadeUtrecht Central Library & Post Office / Zecc Architecten + Rijnboutt - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, BeamUtrecht Central Library & Post Office / Zecc Architecten + Rijnboutt - More Images+ 28

MicroCity Het Platform / VenhoevenCS

MicroCity Het Platform / VenhoevenCS - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeMicroCity Het Platform / VenhoevenCS - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeMicroCity Het Platform / VenhoevenCS - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade, HandrailMicroCity Het Platform / VenhoevenCS - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, Facade, Balcony, HandrailMicroCity Het Platform / VenhoevenCS - More Images+ 20

SO Fier School / EVA architecten

SO Fier School  / EVA architecten - Exterior Photography, Elementary & Middle SchoolSO Fier School  / EVA architecten - Exterior Photography, Elementary & Middle School, FacadeSO Fier School  / EVA architecten - Exterior Photography, Elementary & Middle SchoolSO Fier School  / EVA architecten - Interior Photography, Elementary & Middle School, FacadeSO Fier School  / EVA architecten - More Images+ 12

Cantina di David Restaurant / Design Brendan Bakker

Cantina di David Restaurant / Design Brendan Bakker - Restaurant & Bar Interiors, Table, ChairCantina di David Restaurant / Design Brendan Bakker - Restaurant & Bar Interiors, Arch, Arcade, Table, ChairCantina di David Restaurant / Design Brendan Bakker - Restaurant & Bar Interiors, Table, ChairCantina di David Restaurant / Design Brendan Bakker - Restaurant & Bar Interiors, Table, ChairCantina di David Restaurant / Design Brendan Bakker - More Images+ 18

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  500
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Hunter Douglas Architectural (Europe), Formica, Hunter Douglas, Livium creative Louvres, Nouvion chairs and sofa's, +4

Bicycle Parking / Ector Hoogstad Architecten

Bicycle Parking / Ector Hoogstad Architecten - Interior Photography,           Parking, Door, FacadeBicycle Parking / Ector Hoogstad Architecten - Interior Photography,           ParkingBicycle Parking / Ector Hoogstad Architecten - Exterior Photography,           Parking, Facade, LightingBicycle Parking / Ector Hoogstad Architecten - Interior Photography,           ParkingBicycle Parking / Ector Hoogstad Architecten - More Images+ 28

Big House / Goldsmith Company

Big House / Goldsmith Company - ResidentialBig House / Goldsmith Company - ResidentialBig House / Goldsmith Company - ResidentialBig House / Goldsmith Company - ResidentialBig House / Goldsmith Company - More Images+ 8

  • Architects: Goldsmith Company
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  540
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018