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  2. Seattle

Seattle: The Latest Architecture and News

The Junsei House / Suyama Peterson Deguchi

The Junsei House / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Houses, Beam, Table, ChairThe Junsei House / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Table, Lighting, ChairThe Junsei House / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Facade, Table, Chair, LightingThe Junsei House / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Houses, Stairs, Arch, Handrail, ColumnThe Junsei House / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - More Images+ 15

HBO Seattle Workspace / Rapt Studio

HBO Seattle Workspace / Rapt Studio - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Lighting, ChairHBO Seattle Workspace / Rapt Studio - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Stairs, Facade, HandrailHBO Seattle Workspace / Rapt Studio - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Stairs, HandrailHBO Seattle Workspace / Rapt Studio - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, ChairHBO Seattle Workspace / Rapt Studio - More Images+ 47

  • Architects: Rapt Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  72000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Bendheim, Vode, Buzzispace, Interface, Aculux, +56

The Studios / Graham Baba Architects

The Studios / Graham Baba Architects - Interior Photography, Learning, FacadeThe Studios / Graham Baba Architects - Interior Photography, LearningThe Studios / Graham Baba Architects - Interior Photography, Learning, Facade, Handrail, StairsThe Studios / Graham Baba Architects - Interior Photography, Learning, LightingThe Studios / Graham Baba Architects - More Images+ 19

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  10000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2015
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  B&O, BANG & OLUFSEN, Bellingham, Edge, Ligne Roset, +3

Copine / Olson Kundig

Copine  / Olson Kundig - Restaurants & Bars, BeamCopine  / Olson Kundig - Restaurants & Bars, Table, Chair, LightingCopine  / Olson Kundig - Restaurants & Bars, Table, Lighting, ChairCopine  / Olson Kundig - Restaurants & Bars, Kitchen, Beam, Table, ChairCopine  / Olson Kundig - More Images+ 5

  • Architects: Olson Kundig
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3289 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Sherwin-Williams, Daltile, NWWI, Polysorb, Richlite
  • Professionals: Smith and Greene

Artist Residence / Heliotrope Architects

Artist Residence  / Heliotrope Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, Chair, TableArtist Residence  / Heliotrope Architects - HousesArtist Residence  / Heliotrope Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, Table, Chair, LightingArtist Residence  / Heliotrope Architects - Interior Photography, HousesArtist Residence  / Heliotrope Architects - More Images+ 14

NorthEdge / Perkins and Will

NorthEdge / Perkins and Will - Office Buildings, FacadeNorthEdge / Perkins and Will - Office Buildings, FacadeNorthEdge / Perkins and Will - Office Buildings, FacadeNorthEdge / Perkins and Will - Office Buildings, FacadeNorthEdge / Perkins and Will - More Images+ 7

AD Classics: Space Needle / John Graham & Company

AD Classics: Space Needle / John Graham & Company - Landmarks & Monuments, Cityscape
Courtesy of Wikimedia user Rattlhed (Public Domain)

The opening of the Century 21 Exposition on April 21, 1962 transformed the image of Seattle and the American Northwest in the eyes of the world. The region, which had been known until that point more for its natural resources than as a cultural capital, established a new reputation as a center of emergent technologies and aerospace design. This new identity was embodied by the centerpiece of the exposition: the Space Needle, a slender assemblage of steel and reinforced concrete which became—and remains—Seattle’s most iconic landmark.[1]

AD Classics: Space Needle / John Graham & Company - Landmarks & MonumentsAD Classics: Space Needle / John Graham & Company - Landmarks & MonumentsAD Classics: Space Needle / John Graham & Company - Landmarks & Monuments, FacadeAD Classics: Space Needle / John Graham & Company - Landmarks & Monuments, ColumnAD Classics: Space Needle / John Graham & Company - More Images+ 2

KEXP Headquarters / SkB Architects

KEXP Headquarters / SkB Architects - Exterior Photography, Institutional Buildings, FacadeKEXP Headquarters / SkB Architects - Interior Photography, Institutional Buildings, Kitchen, Beam, Table, ChairKEXP Headquarters / SkB Architects - Institutional BuildingsKEXP Headquarters / SkB Architects - Interior Photography, Institutional Buildings, Door, Facade, Countertop, Chair, TableKEXP Headquarters / SkB Architects - More Images+ 20

Palatine Passive House / Malboeuf Bowie Architecture

Palatine Passive House / Malboeuf Bowie Architecture - Sustainability, Door, FacadePalatine Passive House / Malboeuf Bowie Architecture - Sustainability, Chair, TablePalatine Passive House / Malboeuf Bowie Architecture - Sustainability, Stairs, Beam, HandrailPalatine Passive House / Malboeuf Bowie Architecture - Sustainability, Garden, Facade, Beam, ArchPalatine Passive House / Malboeuf Bowie Architecture - More Images+ 11

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2700 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Abodian, Kirio, Zehnder
  • Professionals: Hammer & Hand

wa sauna / goCstudio

wa sauna  / goCstudio - Sauna, Facadewa sauna  / goCstudio - Sauna, Tablewa sauna  / goCstudio - Saunawa sauna  / goCstudio - Saunawa sauna  / goCstudio - More Images+ 4

Seattle, United States
  • Architects: goCstudio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  240 ft²

Urban Cabin / Suyama Peterson Deguchi

Urban Cabin / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Cabins & Lodges, Facade, Beam, LightingUrban Cabin / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Cabins & Lodges, Courtyard, Door, Facade, Beam, BenchUrban Cabin / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Cabins & Lodges, Garden, Facade, DoorUrban Cabin / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - Cabins & Lodges, Garden, Door, FacadeUrban Cabin / Suyama Peterson Deguchi - More Images+ 11

Living Small: Ideas for Living in the City

As Seattle grows, how can housing design keep pace with the evolving ways we are living in cities? Is small housing a viable option? Can smaller spaces make for better living? This exhibit by 2015 Emerging Professionals Travel Scholarship Recipient Garrett Reynolds, explores micro-living spaces in dense urban environments in Copenhagen, New York, Stockholm, and Tokyo.

Urban Housing Forum: Room for Growth

The Urban Housing Forum will examine how housing design and policy can serve as catalyst for livability and quality of place in an increasingly dense city. The full day program will include presentations on innovative projects, regulatory and development strategies and an investigation into housing’s unique and significant role in shaping individual lives, a sense of community and the overall design of a city as well as a panel on “What Will Make Seattle a Model City?”. In addition, our keynote speaker will be David Baker FAIA, LEED AP of David Baker Architects.

Allen Institute / Perkins+Will

Allen Institute / Perkins+Will - Educational Architecture, Stairs, Beam, Facade, HandrailAllen Institute / Perkins+Will - Educational Architecture, Table, ChairAllen Institute / Perkins+Will - Educational Architecture, Door, FacadeAllen Institute / Perkins+Will - Educational Architecture, Stairs, ChairAllen Institute / Perkins+Will - More Images+ 12

Oiselle Flagship Store / goCstudio

Seattle, United States

Oiselle Flagship Store / goCstudio - StoreOiselle Flagship Store / goCstudio - Store, TableOiselle Flagship Store / goCstudio - Store, Facade, Door, LightingOiselle Flagship Store / goCstudio - Store, BedroomOiselle Flagship Store / goCstudio - More Images+ 9

CLTHouse / atelierjones

CLTHouse / atelierjones - Houses, Kitchen, Door, Beam, Sink, Countertop, Chair, TableCLTHouse / atelierjones - Houses, FacadeCLTHouse / atelierjones - Houses, Stairs, Handrail, BeamCLTHouse / atelierjones - Houses, ChairCLTHouse / atelierjones - More Images+ 24

Madison Park Residence / Capsule

Madison Park Residence / Capsule - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Table, Lighting, ChairMadison Park Residence / Capsule - Houses, Garden, FacadeMadison Park Residence / Capsule - Houses, Patio, Facade, Beam, Handrail, Stairs, TableMadison Park Residence / Capsule - Houses, Garden, Facade, DoorMadison Park Residence / Capsule - More Images+ 9

Ritual House of Yoga / goCstudio

Ritual House of Yoga / goCstudio - Interior Design, Arch, Column, FacadeRitual House of Yoga / goCstudio - Interior Design, Door, Facade, ChairRitual House of Yoga / goCstudio - Interior DesignRitual House of Yoga / goCstudio - Interior Design, Beam, Door, Bench, Table, ChairRitual House of Yoga / goCstudio - More Images+ 13