Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos

Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior PhotographyApartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, DoorApartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, Living RoomApartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows, Table, ChairApartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - More Images+ 40

  • Architects: Aurora Arquitectos
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3229 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Photographs
    Photographs:do mal o menos
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  A Linha da Vizinha
  • Lead Architecture: Aurora Arquitectos
  • Project Team: Sérgio Antunes, Sofia Reis Couto, Ivo Lapa, Pedro França, Bruno Pereira, Tânia Sousa, Rui Baltazar, Dora Jerbic, Carolina Rocha, Anna Cavenago
  • Supervision: Gestão de Obras
  • Specialty Projects: Engiprior, ECWS, Prodetail
  • Builder: R.C.U
  • City: Lisbon
  • Country: Portugal
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Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows, Table, Chair
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Text description provided by the architects. This apartment is part of a building that occupies the entire south limit of Largo do Carmo, in Lisbon. Following the principles of Pombaline architecture, it has the particularity to incorporate a small palace on the lower floors and luxury apartments on the upper floors. In spite of the different occupations in the last two centuries, its interior kept a big spatial, constructive and decorative quality.

Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Table, Countertop
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Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Image 43 of 45
Proposed floor plan
Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Windows
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This project intends to respect and value its past, adapting the space to a single family house. The logic of circulation is maintained, with two main axes formed by the corridors and direct connections between compartments. The demolitions are minimal and their “scars” assumed. Close doors are filled with plaster and painted with wall paint, as fossils. These are all strategies that intend to put together program desires and the reading of the original space organization. It also works as a documentation process, that one day will allow everything to come back to its original state.

Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography
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Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Image 45 of 45
Section kitchen area
Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, Kitchen
© do mal o menos

The new elements are designed in a way not to compete with the older ones. Their language is contemporary and intentionally distant. This detachment is also a way to respect the past.

Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Interior Photography, Stairs, Door
© do mal o menos

There is also an almost invisible but demanding work of rehabilitation, using and respecting the original constructive techniques and complex secret paths used for climatization, sewage and ventilation.

Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos - Exterior Photography
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Address:Lisbon, Portugal

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
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Cite: "Apartment in Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos" [Apartamento no Largo do Carmo / Aurora Arquitectos] 04 Feb 2020. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/932996/apartment-in-largo-do-carmo-aurora-arquitectos> ISSN 0719-8884

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