São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior PhotographySão Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior Photography, WindowsSão Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Image 3 of 38São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior Photography, Stairs, ColumnSão Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - More Images+ 33

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  13993 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Photographs
    Photographs:Nuno Almendra
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  CIN, Efapel, Recer, Valadares
  • Lead Architects: Filipe Borges de Macedo
  • Design Team: José Moreira Barra and Sara Morais
  • Clients: Associação Recreativa e Cultural das Carpintarias de São Lázaro
  • Civil Engineer: Pedro Viegas
  • Water, Sewage, Safety And Energy Efficiency Projects : Joaquim Jerónimo
  • Electricity And Communications Projects : João Garvão Sinfrónio
  • General Contractor: Mérito Geração, Lda
  • Civil Metalworks: Jorge Gomes, Lda.
  • City: Lisbon
  • Country: Portugal
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São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Exterior Photography, Windows, Facade
© Nuno Almendra

Text description provided by the architects. The building, an industrial heritage carpentry built in the 1930’s, was brought in 2010 by the Lisbon Municipality after a fire nearly destroyed it. After the acquisition by the Municipality, there were major structural rehabilitation works that revealed the extraordinary quality and expressivity of building. Some years later, the Municipality opened a contest to explore the carpentry as cultural center.

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior Photography, Stairs, Column
© Nuno Almendra

The contest was wan by the Associação Recreativa e Cultural das Carpintarias de São Lázaro, a cultural association with very sparse financial resources.

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior Photography, Windows
© Nuno Almendra
São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Image 30 of 38
Planta - Piso -1 / Piso 0
São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Image 8 of 38
© Nuno Almendra

Our briefing requested an evolutionary project that assured the basic needs for a cultural center in downtown Lisbon.

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior Photography, Bathroom, Windows, Toilet, Chair
© Nuno Almendra

In this first phase, circulations, pavements, sanitary installations, technical infrastructure, electrical and security systems were implemented.

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Image 11 of 38
© Nuno Almendra

It was our intention to interfere minimally in preexistence, keeping all the expressive character of the building. 

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior Photography
© Nuno Almendra

We sought the project to create a flexible structure to accommodate the cultural events, namely exhibitions, concerts, artistic residences, etc.

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Interior Photography, Windows
© Nuno Almendra

Given the character of the project, a cultural center, there was the need to create an iconic element.

This element should help to reinforce the identify the space, at the same time it should be sufficiently discreet not to interfere in the exhibitions and events that happen in the center.

São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo - Image 3 of 38
© Nuno Almendra

That was solved with the spiral staircase that crosses the different floors, and that extends in the mezzanine over the main room.

This the staircase was conceived as a white contrasting element, which in its shape, a winding spiral, and white paint dialogues and emphasizes the cartesian character of the concrete structure of the building.

The smooth white of the stairs metal sheets contrast with the roughness of the unfinished walls, providing the necessary qualification of the intervention.

We found in this space a wonderful gift, and the solution of our project was to make a white bow that crosses the grey space. And we are grateful for this marvelous present.

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Project location

Address:Lisbon, Rua de São Lázaro nº 72, Portugal

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: "São Lázaro Carpentry / Filipe Borges de Macedo" [Carpintaria São Lázaro / Filipe Borges de Macedo] 05 Jun 2019. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/918492/sao-lazaro-carpentry-filipe-borges-de-macedo> ISSN 0719-8884

© Nuno Almendra

圣拉扎罗文化中心 / Filipe Borges de Macedo

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