Architects: Os Espacialistas
- Year: 2024

Text description provided by the architects. For Os Espacialistas, geometry is the relationship of affection that humans establish with nature. Cella is a kind of space with anatomical, architectural, and sculptural qualities. At its core, it is a body (cell), a space (cell), and a material (cork). A division with walls, touch, and ground. A place for the body to stroll, speak, and play; to exercise the latent artistic reproductive system within us and transform imagination into a relational organ of poetic investigation. It is dreamily inhabited by a swarm of cubes, sown to be harves- ted, tossed, built, and moved from place to place.

The only thought that counts is the one that walks. The cube is born from the foot. Alwa- ys lying down, it is the dreamiest of all geometric shapes. To divide, remember, choose, associate, mix, build, err, and forget freely are some of the active verbs in this mi- nimal unit of imagining, happening, experimenting, and playing at various scales, in a continuous relationship between time, the body, and the surrounding space.

To smile, release images, and let the corporosity of the space intertwine and sculpt tho- se who visit is the secret of this playground and medi(t)ation space in de/construction. To play is to repeat the future with wonder and joy. Now, the inside is on the outside. Once Again.