Text description provided by the architects. Almost pure interior, the space is an elaborate composition of fearless geometries. Three fluid walls are framed between a dotted marble floor and a white wavy ceiling.
Proud doors suggest possible rooms and occasional mirrors simulate the missing windows. Curtains, doors and columns complete the spatial parade that can be used as a house. Punctual elements and patterns are splashed inside a complex white perimeter.
A grand entry and a sly glass brick window become a plinth of an ugly duckling, finishing the timid yet intricate composition of the entire building.
Cite: "098 Building / fala" [Edifício 098 / fala] 05 Sep 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed 23 Jan 2025. <https://www.archdaily.com/1020797/098-building-fala> ISSN 0719-8884
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