Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago

Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Exterior Photography, FacadeGreen Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Image 3 of 14Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Image 4 of 14Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Image 14 of 14Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - More Images+ 9

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  10280
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2024
  • Photographs
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Kebony
  • Lead Architects: NU architectuuratelier
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Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Exterior Photography, Facade
© N/A

Text description provided by the architects. Lying at the heart of the 92-hectare Meise Botanic Garden, The Green Ark Project features the successful renovation of 7,600 m2 of greenhouse complex and the installation of a spectacular hyperboloid pavilion made with sustainable Kebony Clear wood housing more than 10,000 species of endangered plants across 22 different greenhouses, each independently regulated to ensure optimal temperature and climate conditions for the diverse collection of flora. Amongst the pioneering new technologies installed at the Green Ark is an irrigation system that recycles the rainwater that falls onto the building, contributing to the reduction of energy consumption which has been halved in comparison to the old greenhouse facilities.

Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Image 3 of 14
© N/A

The Green Ark will also act as a learning hub, educating the Meise Botanic Garden’s 240,000 annual visitors about the ever-increasing threat that climate change poses to the planet’s biodiversity and the innovations to protect the environment for future generations.

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Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Interior Photography, Facade, Beam
© N/A

The design and construction of the Green Ark is the result of a collaboration between various groups working in alliance with the Meise Botanic Garden and the Flemish Government, including De Keyser Wood Industry, NU Architectuur Atelier, Archipelago Architects, Mouton and Van Poppel. Dually modified™ Kebony wood shingles were sawn into the roof of the pavilion, providing a natural finish that places the Green Ark in harmony with its botanical surroundings and enriches the visitor experience, as well as supporting the project.

Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago - Image 7 of 14
© N/A

The fast-growing FSC-certified softwoods used by Kebony are specifically planted for this purpose and grow to the desired sixes in 25-30 years, while hardwoods can take 80-200 years to grow. During the growth of these trees, carbon is captured from the atmosphere, contributing to CO2 sequestration. The dual modification™ process permanently transforms the wood cell walls by forming locked-in furan polymers increasing the dimensional stability, durability, and hardness of the wood guaranteeing both long life and a high level of safety.

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Address:Meise, Belgium

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Cite: "Green Ark / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago" 20 Jun 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

© N/A

绿色方舟 / NU architectuuratelier + archipelago

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