Architects: Santiago Viale Lescano + Juan Manuel Juárez
- Year: "Gonzalo Viramonte", "url"=>"", "type"=>"media_provider", "id"=>"65847f87a70078017e560960"}]?ad_name=project-specs&ad_medium=single"> [{"text"=>"Gonzalo Viramonte", "url"=>"", "type"=>"media_provider", "id"=>"65847f87a70078017e560960"}]
Manufacturers: Abest, Cortinas Suquía, ETC, Julia Sol, RASSEGNA

Text description provided by the architects. Biofarma is a company that produces and markets animal feed for the poultry, swine, and cattle industries, among other species. The project originated from a private competition, which called for designing a master plan for the construction of an industrial plant that includes an administrative office building and other complementary structures, on a plot of 39,870m2. After receiving the first prize, we were tasked with developing the executive project for the offices. To design the building, it was considered that we had a free perimeter and a strategic location within the master plan. Two rectangular-shaped floors were proposed, consisting of office bands towards the facades connected by two internal courtyards in the center, creating collaborative spaces. Two vertical circulation cores at the ends allow for greater interaction between employees on different levels. The program on the upper floor includes not only the offices but also meeting rooms, printing areas, and a coffee break space. The company managers' offices are distributed around a double-height space that connects with a hierarchized entrance on the ground floor, reinforcing the sense of institutional identity. Together with the mentioned entrance, a small auditorium and training rooms are located.

An independent reinforced concrete structure was proposed, with lightweight slabs and flat beams. The envelope consists of several layers of simple construction, conceived as an element of passive sustainability that improves the building's thermal insulation. A closure with integral front aluminum joinery, with double hermetic glazing fixed to the concrete columns, was designed over the perimeter columns and beams. Brackets of standard profiles were anchored, on which a substructure of metal tubes was supported, and a pre-painted gray galvanized expanded metal sheet skin was placed on top, separated 70 cm from the aluminum joinery, thus creating a sun protection. Being separated from the ground gives a sense of lightness, reinforced by the shadows it casts on the glass. This skin plays a significant role in the project, as it forms an intermediate shaded space between the glass closure and the exterior, reducing direct sunlight radiation and, consequently, the building's energy consumption. To avoid being a visual obstacle between the exterior and interior, movable panels were proposed that can be opened depending on the time of day. As a complement, vertical blinds were installed inside, allowing users to regulate the required level of brightness according to their needs. It also gives the building the language and institutional character of the company.

On the main facade, different elements appear, such as a sign proportioned to its size, noticeable because it interrupts the large metal cladding of the building, preceded by opaque laminated glass that serves as a background for the sign and enclosure of service areas. In addition, a large window accompanied by a metal nozzle highlights the change of use, where a dining area for staff and a terrace with recreational space as an extension of the offices are located.

Se propuso una estructura independiente de hormigón armado, con losas alivianadas y vigas chatas. La envolvente está formada por varias capas de simple construcción, pensada como un elemento de sustentabilidad pasiva que mejora el aislamiento térmico del edificio. Sobre las columnas y vigas perimetrales, se diseñó un cierre con carpintería de frente integral, de aluminio con doble vidriado hermético fijado a las columnas de hormigón.

Se anclaron ménsulas de perfiles normales, sobre los cuales se apoyó una subestructura de tubos metálicos y sobre esta, se colocó una piel de chapa desplegada galvanizada prepintada color gris, separada 70 cm de la carpintería de aluminio, generando así una protección solar. Al estar separada del suelo, genera una sensación de liviandad, que se refuerza con las sombras que arroja sobre los vidrios.

Esta piel juega un rol importante en el proyecto, ya que conforma un espacio intermedio de sombra entre el cierre del vidrio y el exterior, reduciendo así la radiación directa del sol y, por ende, el consumo energético del edificio. Para que la misma no sea un obstáculo visual entre el exterior y el interior, se propusieron paños móviles que pueden abrirse dependiendo la hora del día.

Como complemento de la misma, se colocaron en el interior cortinas de bandas verticales que permiten que los usuarios regulen, de acuerdo a su necesidad, el nivel de luminosidad requerido. A su vez, le otorga el lenguaje y carácter institucional de la empresa.

En fachada principal, aparecen distintos gestos como un cartel proporcionado a su tamaño, notorio porque interrumpe el gran revestimiento metálico de la obra, precedido por vidrios laminados opacos, que hacen las veces de fondo del letrero y cerramiento de los locales de servicio. Además, una gran ventana acompañada de una tobera metálica, que destaca el cambio de uso, donde se ubica un comedor para el personal y una terraza con espacio de esparcimiento como extensión de las oficinas.