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Zuid-Holland: The Latest Architecture and News

'What is The Netherlands?' Exploring the World Expo at Rotterdam's Nieuwe Instituut

Now at the halfway point of the six month long World Expo in Milan, in which 145 countries are participating in a concentration of national spectacle surrounding the theme of "feeding the planet," Rotterdam's Nieuwe Instituut (HNI)—the centre for architecture in the Netherlands—is exhibiting an altogether more reflective display of national civic pride.

Rotterdam, which was blitzed and decimated during the Second World War, is a place well suited to host an exhibition whose underlying theme centres on the fragile, often precarious notion of national self-image. Following the war Rotterdam was forced to rebuild itself, carving out a new place on the world stage and reestablishing its importance as an international port. Now, seventy years later, Rotterdam is a very different place. In demonstrating just how delicate the construction of a tangible national identity can be this latest exhibition at the HNI offers up a sincere speculative base for self-reflection.

'What is The Netherlands?' Exploring the World Expo at Rotterdam's Nieuwe Instituut - Image 1 of 4'What is The Netherlands?' Exploring the World Expo at Rotterdam's Nieuwe Instituut - Image 2 of 4'What is The Netherlands?' Exploring the World Expo at Rotterdam's Nieuwe Instituut - Image 3 of 4'What is The Netherlands?' Exploring the World Expo at Rotterdam's Nieuwe Instituut - Image 4 of 4'What is The Netherlands?' Exploring the World Expo at Rotterdam's Nieuwe Instituut - More Images+ 5

Mecanoo's New Delft Station Hall Opens To The Public

Six years after the original announcement of the project, the first phase of Mecanoo's new Train Station and City Hall complex in Delft, The Netherlands, has been opened to the public. Within the new station hall an undulating 'vault', which has been designed to evoke an "unforgettable arrival experience", features a scaled 1877 map of the Dutch city rendered in blue and white. Columns wrapped in a mosaic of Delft-blue titles, also reminiscent of the colours of Delftware, one of the city's most famous global exports. The station platforms below ground have been designed by Benthem Crouwel, the Dutch practice behind Rotterdam Centraal Station.