Viennese firm Zechner & Zechner has been announced as the winners of the competition for the new landmark complex NeuBau3—a mixed-use district at Peter-Behrens-Platz in Linz, Austria—after a unanimous decision by the jury. The proposed structure will complete the existing site of German architect and designer Peter Behrens' modernist Tabakfabrik Linz, a tobacco factory built between 1929 and 1935.
Zechner and Zechner: The Latest Architecture and News
Zechner & Zechner Create a Mixed-Use Complex Beside Peter Behrens' Modernist Icon Pavka
Zechner & Zechner Place New Office Building into Vienna Barracks Courtyard
Viennese firm Zechner & Zechner have been awarded first prize in a competition to design a new office building in the courtyard of the historic Rossau Barracks building in downtown Vienna. The firm’s entry, called “Floating Double-X,” takes inspiration from the symmetry of its context to place a minimally invasive office block into the existing courtyard space. Lynch
Reißeck Top Terminal Competition / Zechner and Zechner
This proposal comes from Zechner and Zechner’s winners entry for the Reißeck Top Terminal Competition, a new mountain restaurant at 2250 meters above sea level in the Austrian Alps. In addition, the building with include a top terminal for the Reißeck incline railway, along with information and display areas.
Read on for more information after the break. Vinnitskaya