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Yves Saint Laurent: The Latest Architecture and News

Architecture and Fashion: YSL at Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie and AMO/OMA’s Set Design for Prada

Architecture and fashion share an interesting interplay in the formation of cultural expressions and identities. Both disciplines can become vehicles for creativity at different levels. Architecture is often described as the “third skin” of humans, while clothes represent the second skin, highlighting somewhat similar functionality of protecting the body while also allowing for self-expression and individuality.

The relationship between architecture and fashion can also be seen in the shared design principles, such as form, proportion, human scale, and materiality. More than a simple background for runway shows, architecture can contribute to setting the atmosphere, becoming a source of inspiration, and orienting the movement through space. Collaborations between architects and fashion houses, such as the renowned partnership between OMA/AMO and Prada, further blur the boundaries between the two disciplines, demonstrating the myriad of interconnections between the two creative fields.

Architecture and Fashion: YSL at Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie and AMO/OMA’s Set Design for Prada - Image 1 of 4Architecture and Fashion: YSL at Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie and AMO/OMA’s Set Design for Prada - Image 2 of 4Architecture and Fashion: YSL at Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie and AMO/OMA’s Set Design for Prada - Image 3 of 4Architecture and Fashion: YSL at Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie and AMO/OMA’s Set Design for Prada - Image 4 of 4Architecture and Fashion: YSL at Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie and AMO/OMA’s Set Design for Prada - More Images+ 15

Studio KO's Yves Saint Laurent Museum Opens in Marrakech

A new museum dedicated to the life and work of French fashion icon Yves Saint Laurent has opened in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. Designed by Studio KO, the building sits a short distance away from Jardin Majorelle – the home acquired by Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé in 1980. With a large permanent exhibition space designed by scenographist Christophe Martin, showcasing the collections of it's namesake, the museum also features temporary exhibition spaces, a research library and archives, an auditorium, bookstore, and a terrace café.

Studio KO's Yves Saint Laurent Museum Opens in Marrakech - Image 1 of 4Studio KO's Yves Saint Laurent Museum Opens in Marrakech - Image 2 of 4Studio KO's Yves Saint Laurent Museum Opens in Marrakech - Image 3 of 4Studio KO's Yves Saint Laurent Museum Opens in Marrakech - Image 4 of 4Studio KO's Yves Saint Laurent Museum Opens in Marrakech - More Images