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  2. Yokohama-shi

Yokohama-shi: The Latest Architecture and News

Yokohama Apartment / ON design partners

Yokohama Apartment / ON design partners - Apartments, Handrail, Stairs, Facade
© Koichi Torimura
Yokohama-shi, Japan

Yokohama Apartment / ON design partners - Apartments, Facade, StairsYokohama Apartment / ON design partners - Apartments, Stairs, HandrailYokohama Apartment / ON design partners - Apartments, ChairYokohama Apartment / ON design partners - Apartments, Deck, Facade, Handrail, Door, Balcony, ChairYokohama Apartment / ON design partners - More Images+ 10

Planter House / no.555

Planter House / no.555 - Residential, FacadePlanter House / no.555 - Residential, Garden, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, DoorPlanter House / no.555 - ResidentialPlanter House / no.555 - Residential, Door, Facade, LightingPlanter House / no.555 - More Images+ 25

  • Architects: No.555
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  188
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012

T-House / Satoru Ito Architects

T-House / Satoru Ito Architects - Houses, Courtyard, Facade
© Satoru Ito
Yokohama-shi, Japan

T-House / Satoru Ito Architects - Houses, Facade, Beam, DoorT-House / Satoru Ito Architects - Houses, Courtyard, Facade, DoorT-House / Satoru Ito Architects - Houses, FacadeT-House / Satoru Ito Architects - Houses, Facade, Door, ColumnT-House / Satoru Ito Architects - More Images+ 14

Gallery of Minerals and Atelier / THREE.BALL.CASCADE. Architecture Design Office

Gallery of Minerals and Atelier / THREE.BALL.CASCADE. Architecture Design Office - Gallery, TableGallery of Minerals and Atelier / THREE.BALL.CASCADE. Architecture Design Office - Gallery, Facade, Handrail, BenchGallery of Minerals and Atelier / THREE.BALL.CASCADE. Architecture Design Office - Gallery, Facade, DoorGallery of Minerals and Atelier / THREE.BALL.CASCADE. Architecture Design Office - Gallery, Stairs, Handrail, ArchGallery of Minerals and Atelier / THREE.BALL.CASCADE. Architecture Design Office - More Images+ 45

Yokohama-shi, Japan

House on the Bluff / Edward Suzuki Associates

House on the Bluff / Edward Suzuki Associates - Houses, Courtyard, Door, Facade, HandrailHouse on the Bluff / Edward Suzuki Associates - Houses, Door, FacadeHouse on the Bluff / Edward Suzuki Associates - Houses, Door, Facade, BeamHouse on the Bluff / Edward Suzuki Associates - Houses, Facade, DoorHouse on the Bluff / Edward Suzuki Associates - More Images+ 27

Yokohama-shi, Japan

PTL / Satoru Hirota Architects

PTL / Satoru Hirota Architects - Houses, FacadePTL / Satoru Hirota Architects - Houses, FacadePTL / Satoru Hirota Architects - Houses, Courtyard, FacadePTL / Satoru Hirota Architects - Houses, FacadePTL / Satoru Hirota Architects - More Images+ 21

Yokohama-shi, Japan
  • Architects: Satoru Hirota Architects: Satoru Hirota Architects  / Satoru Hirota + Yoshimi Kondo
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  213
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011

UN / Yo Yamagata Architects

UN / Yo Yamagata Architects - Houses, FacadeUN / Yo Yamagata Architects - Houses, Facade, StairsUN / Yo Yamagata Architects - Houses, Stairs, Facade, HandrailUN / Yo Yamagata Architects - Houses, FacadeUN / Yo Yamagata Architects - More Images+ 21

Yokohama-shi, Japan

In Kyo / Takehiko Nez Architects

In Kyo / Takehiko Nez Architects - Houses, Garden, Facade, Arch, ForestIn Kyo / Takehiko Nez Architects - Houses, Garden, FacadeIn Kyo / Takehiko Nez Architects - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Countertop, SinkIn Kyo / Takehiko Nez Architects - Houses, FacadeIn Kyo / Takehiko Nez Architects - More Images+ 12

Yokohama-shi, Japan

Nagi Apartment / UUfie

Nagi Apartment / UUfie - Apartment InteriorsNagi Apartment / UUfie - Apartment Interiors, BeamNagi Apartment / UUfie - Apartment Interiors, Door, ColumnNagi Apartment / UUfie - Apartment Interiors, ColumnNagi Apartment / UUfie - More Images+ 3

  • Architects: UUfie: UUfie / Eiri Ota + Irene Gardpoit Chan
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  74
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2009

Hongodai Christ Church School & Nursery / Takeshi Hosaka Architects

Hongodai Christ Church School & Nursery / Takeshi Hosaka Architects -          Churches, FacadeHongodai Christ Church School & Nursery / Takeshi Hosaka Architects -          Churches, Door, Beam, Arch, Facade, BenchHongodai Christ Church School & Nursery / Takeshi Hosaka Architects -          Churches, Facade, Handrail, BeamHongodai Christ Church School & Nursery / Takeshi Hosaka Architects -          Churches, Door, Beam, Facade, HandrailHongodai Christ Church School & Nursery / Takeshi Hosaka Architects - More Images+ 31

Yokohama-shi, Japan