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  2. Yatsushiro

Yatsushiro: The Latest Architecture and News

AD Classics: Yatsushiro Municipal Museum / Toyo Ito & Associates

The city of Yatsushiro is known in Japan as a home for exemplary architecture - the legacy at least in part of Artpolis, a plan by the government of the Kumamoto Prefecture to seek out a range of talented architects to design cultural buildings in the cities of the region. Though the Artpolis scheme has been running for the past 22 years, perhaps its most successful building was completed back in 1991, with the construction of Toyo Ito's Yatsushiro Municipal Museum.

AD Classics: Yatsushiro Municipal Museum / Toyo Ito & Associates - Museum, Facade, ArchAD Classics: Yatsushiro Municipal Museum / Toyo Ito & Associates - Museum, BenchAD Classics: Yatsushiro Municipal Museum / Toyo Ito & Associates - Museum, Stairs, HandrailAD Classics: Yatsushiro Municipal Museum / Toyo Ito & Associates - Museum, Facade, ArchAD Classics: Yatsushiro Municipal Museum / Toyo Ito & Associates - More Images+ 8