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YAP MAXXI: The Latest Architecture and News

Orizzontale Illuminates Outdoor Theater with Recycled Keg Wall at MAXXI

Orizzontale, winners of the 2014 Young Architects Program (YAP), have transformed the MAXXI’s piazza Boetti with an “8 1/2” meter-tall mobile theater made of timber and recycled beer kegs. Built in just four weeks, the installation created an “urban room” for the museum’s Play with YAP events program that provided an inhabitable podium illuminated by a translucent wall of lighted plastic beer kegs for a series of concerts and events.

More about Orizzontale's design, after the break. 

Orizzontale Illuminates Outdoor Theater with Recycled Keg Wall at MAXXI - Image 1 of 4Orizzontale Illuminates Outdoor Theater with Recycled Keg Wall at MAXXI - Image 2 of 4Orizzontale Illuminates Outdoor Theater with Recycled Keg Wall at MAXXI - Image 3 of 4Orizzontale Illuminates Outdoor Theater with Recycled Keg Wall at MAXXI - Image 4 of 4Orizzontale Illuminates Outdoor Theater with Recycled Keg Wall at MAXXI - More Images+ 16

Orizzontale's Recycled Keg Wall Wins YAP MAXXI

Just as the 2014 winners of the Young Architects Program (YAP) in Chile and Korea were announced this week, the architecture collective of Orizzontale was crowned victorious for the program’s MAXXI edition in Rome.

The winning scheme, dubbed “8 1/2,” will be a translucent wall of recycled beer kegs and an inhabitable timber podium that will be used as a stage for summer events within the confines of the MAXXI piazza. Shaded during the day and illuminated at night, the glass wall is intended to inspire people to rest, play, watch and listen.


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YAP 2013: bam! Debuts ‘He’ at MAXXI

He has made his debut in the MAXXI piazza. As the winner of the Young Architects Program (YAP) in Rome, Turin-based studio Bam! Bottega di Architettura metropolitan has transformed the concrete facade of the Zaha Hadid-designed museum into a visual spectacular with the installation of a yellow, translucent and aerostatic prism.

bam! Wins YAP MAXXI 2013

bam! Wins YAP MAXXI 2013 - Featured Image
Courtesy of MAXXI

With an intention to attract and impress viewers with his massive scale, He has been selected as winner of the 2013 Young Architects Program (YAP) MAXXI in Rome, an annual competition that promotes and supports young and emerging architects in collaboration with MAXXI Architettura, MoMA/MoMA PS1 of New York, Constructo of Santiago and, for the first time, Istanbul Modern, Turkey.

Turin-based studio bam! bottega di architettura sostenibile, designed He as a grandiose and buoyant installation that transforms the concrete MAXXI facade and expansive piazza into a visual spectacular, while offering a shady escape from the Summer heat.