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Yannick Martin: The Latest Architecture and News

Exploding the Cube: Yannick Martin's Studies of a Six-Sided Shape

Former architect Yannick Martin, who has previously confined architecture's most famous houses to a cube, is a graphic designer who explores line and geometric shapes to examine the language of the diagram. By fragmenting simple shapes, Martin seeks to offer new ways of looking at an icon so commonplace and ubiquitously used that, for most, the sheer potential and variety of its application can be overlooked.

Exploding the Cube: Yannick Martin's Studies of a Six-Sided Shape - Image 1 of 4Exploding the Cube: Yannick Martin's Studies of a Six-Sided Shape - Image 2 of 4Exploding the Cube: Yannick Martin's Studies of a Six-Sided Shape - Image 3 of 4Exploding the Cube: Yannick Martin's Studies of a Six-Sided Shape - Image 4 of 4Exploding the Cube: Yannick Martin's Studies of a Six-Sided Shape - More Images+ 4

CASA: Architecture’s Most Famous Houses Confined to a Cube

French-born, Colombian-based architect Yannick Martin of WHAT has shared with us his latest series of illustrations that reimagines some of architecture’s most famous confined within a box.

“The idea,” describes Martin, “was to deform and stretch houses made by some of the most known architects, put them inside a cube, and reveal what makes them so singular, starting with the decisions the architects made concerning the proportion of their houses and the defining elements that makes them so unique and famous.”

The complete collection, including Casa Vanna Venturi and the Farnsworth House, after the break...