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  2. Winterthur

Winterthur: The Latest Architecture and News

House with a Flying Roof / Lorenz Bachmann

House with a Flying Roof / Lorenz Bachmann - SustainabilityHouse with a Flying Roof / Lorenz Bachmann - SustainabilityHouse with a Flying Roof / Lorenz Bachmann - SustainabilityHouse with a Flying Roof / Lorenz Bachmann - SustainabilityHouse with a Flying Roof / Lorenz Bachmann - More Images+ 21

Cities from US and Europe Seek to Ban Fossil Fuels in New Buildings

Boston is the latest city to announce a city-wide plan that, if passed, would eliminate the use of fossil fuels in new constructions and major renovation projects. This measure expands upon the commitment to enact climate action and make Boston a Green New Deal city. Other US cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, and Berkeley have all imposed similar measures in recent years. Seven European cities - Bilbao, Bratislava, Dublin, Munich, Rotterdam, Vienna, and Winterthur - have also developed a project to phase out fossil fuel from urban heating and cooling.

Cities from US and Europe Seek to Ban Fossil Fuels in New Buildings - Image 1 of 4Cities from US and Europe Seek to Ban Fossil Fuels in New Buildings - Image 2 of 4Cities from US and Europe Seek to Ban Fossil Fuels in New Buildings - Image 3 of 4Cities from US and Europe Seek to Ban Fossil Fuels in New Buildings - Image 4 of 4Cities from US and Europe Seek to Ban Fossil Fuels in New Buildings - More Images+ 2

DOW House D / Dettling Architekturstudio

DOW House D / Dettling Architekturstudio - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, Door
© Rory Gardiner

DOW House D / Dettling Architekturstudio - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, DoorDOW House D / Dettling Architekturstudio - Interior Photography, Houses, FacadeDOW House D / Dettling Architekturstudio - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, TableDOW House D / Dettling Architekturstudio - Interior Photography, Houses, Bedroom, BedDOW House D / Dettling Architekturstudio - More Images+ 17

Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  150
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Mawa Design, Staffieri Fireplaces

K118 Kopfbau Halle 118 / baubüro in situ

K118 Kopfbau Halle 118 / baubüro in situ - Interior Photography, Commercial Architecture, Beam, Table, ChairK118 Kopfbau Halle 118 / baubüro in situ - Exterior Photography, Commercial ArchitectureK118 Kopfbau Halle 118 / baubüro in situ - Interior Photography, Commercial Architecture, Kitchen, Beam, CountertopK118 Kopfbau Halle 118 / baubüro in situ - Interior Photography, Commercial Architecture, Beam, FacadeK118 Kopfbau Halle 118 / baubüro in situ - More Images+ 29

WIN4 Sports Centre / EM2N

WIN4 Sports Centre / EM2N - Recreation & Training, ChairWIN4 Sports Centre / EM2N - Recreation & Training, Beam, ChairWIN4 Sports Centre / EM2N - Recreation & Training, Facade, ArchWIN4 Sports Centre / EM2N - Recreation & Training, Facade, BeamWIN4 Sports Centre / EM2N - More Images+ 14

Housing Project Oberzelg / Esch Sintzel Architekten

Housing Project Oberzelg  / Esch Sintzel Architekten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialHousing Project Oberzelg  / Esch Sintzel Architekten - Exterior Photography, ResidentialHousing Project Oberzelg  / Esch Sintzel Architekten - Interior Photography, Residential, FacadeHousing Project Oberzelg  / Esch Sintzel Architekten - Interior Photography, ResidentialHousing Project Oberzelg  / Esch Sintzel Architekten - More Images+ 12

Fehlman Estate II / Bob Gysin Partner BGP

Fehlman Estate II / Bob Gysin Partner BGP - Exterior Photography, Residential, FacadeFehlman Estate II / Bob Gysin Partner BGP - Interior Photography, Residential, Kitchen, DoorFehlman Estate II / Bob Gysin Partner BGP - Exterior Photography, Residential, FacadeFehlman Estate II / Bob Gysin Partner BGP - Exterior Photography, ResidentialFehlman Estate II / Bob Gysin Partner BGP - More Images+ 26

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2590
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  GRAPHISOFT, PFLEIDERER, Deltalight Light, Ertex Solartechnik, Feller, +4

Sprössling Daycare / Marazzi Reinhardt

Sprössling Daycare / Marazzi Reinhardt - Exterior Photography, Day Care, Garden, DoorSprössling Daycare / Marazzi Reinhardt - Interior Photography, Day CareSprössling Daycare / Marazzi Reinhardt - Day CareSprössling Daycare / Marazzi Reinhardt - Exterior Photography, Day Care, Stairs, DoorSprössling Daycare / Marazzi Reinhardt - More Images+ 18

Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Architects: Marazzi Reinhardt
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  570
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Agglomerati di Cemento, Forbo, Külling AG, Laufen AG, Mosa, +1

Hagmannareal Housing Development / ARGE HAGMANNAREAL + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten

Hagmannareal Housing Development  / ARGE HAGMANNAREAL + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Interior Photography, Apartments, Stairs, Door, HandrailHagmannareal Housing Development  / ARGE HAGMANNAREAL + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Interior Photography, Apartments, LightingHagmannareal Housing Development  / ARGE HAGMANNAREAL + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeHagmannareal Housing Development  / ARGE HAGMANNAREAL + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Interior Photography, Apartments, KitchenHagmannareal Housing Development  / ARGE HAGMANNAREAL + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - More Images+ 15

Winterthur, Switzerland

“sue&til” – New City of Wood Housing / ARGE suetil + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten

“sue&til” – New City of Wood Housing  / ARGE suetil + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Interior Photography, Housing, Door, Facade“sue&til” – New City of Wood Housing  / ARGE suetil + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Exterior Photography, Housing, Facade“sue&til” – New City of Wood Housing  / ARGE suetil + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Exterior Photography, Housing, Facade“sue&til” – New City of Wood Housing  / ARGE suetil + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - Exterior Photography, Housing, Beam, Facade“sue&til” – New City of Wood Housing  / ARGE suetil + weberbrunner architekten ag + Soppelsa Architekten - More Images+ 25

Bahnhofplatz Winterthur / Stutz Bolt Partner

Bahnhofplatz Winterthur / Stutz Bolt Partner - Bus Station, Facade, LightingBahnhofplatz Winterthur / Stutz Bolt Partner - Bus Station, FacadeBahnhofplatz Winterthur / Stutz Bolt Partner - Bus Station, FacadeBahnhofplatz Winterthur / Stutz Bolt Partner - Bus Station, Door, StairsBahnhofplatz Winterthur / Stutz Bolt Partner - More Images+ 9

Winterthur, Switzerland

Gottshalden / Rossetti + Wyss Architekten

Gottshalden / Rossetti + Wyss Architekten - Houses, Facade, Beam, Table, ChairGottshalden / Rossetti + Wyss Architekten - Houses, Door, FacadeGottshalden / Rossetti + Wyss Architekten - Houses, Bedroom, Door, BedGottshalden / Rossetti + Wyss Architekten - Houses, FacadeGottshalden / Rossetti + Wyss Architekten - More Images+ 10

Winterthur, Switzerland