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  2. Wilshire Grand

Wilshire Grand: The Latest Architecture and News

Los Angeles' New Tallest Skyscraper, the Wilshire Grand, Opens to the Public

Los Angeles’ newest skyscraper, the Wilshire Grand Center, opened to the public this weekend, earning the crown of the United States’ tallest building west of the Mississippi River. Topping out at 1,100 feet, the building eclipses the nearby U.S. Bank Tower by about 82 feet, thanks to its glass crown and decorative spire that rise from above the 73rd floor.

Designed by AC Martin Partners, the structure also represents a major change in Los Angeles tall building design as the first skyscraper completed since the city’s 2014 decision to remove the stipulation that all buildings over 75 feet must feature a flat roof to serve as a helipad.

The West Coast's Tallest: Wilshire Grand / AC Martin Partners

The West Coast's Tallest: Wilshire Grand / AC Martin Partners  - Skyscrapers, Facade, CityscapeThe West Coast's Tallest: Wilshire Grand / AC Martin Partners  - Skyscrapers, Facade, CityscapeThe West Coast's Tallest: Wilshire Grand / AC Martin Partners  - Skyscrapers, Facade, CityscapeThe West Coast's Tallest: Wilshire Grand / AC Martin Partners  - Skyscrapers, FacadeThe West Coast's Tallest: Wilshire Grand / AC Martin Partners  - More Images+ 3