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AJ’s Shortlisted Women Architects of the Year Share Advice for Aspiring Females

AJ’s Shortlisted Women Architects of the Year Share Advice for Aspiring Females - Featured Image
© Pollard Thomas Edwards

Architects’ Journal has released the shortlist of their annual Women in Architecture awards, naming 17 established and emerging practitioners who have raised the profile of women architects “in a sector where women still face an alarming degree of discrimination.” In honor of their selection, the nominees have shared their advice for aspiring female architects.

See who was shortlisted and find out what they believe takes for women to succeed in the profession of architecture, after the break. 

AJ’s Shortlisted Women Architects of the Year Share Advice for Aspiring Females - Image 1 of 4AJ’s Shortlisted Women Architects of the Year Share Advice for Aspiring Females - Image 2 of 4AJ’s Shortlisted Women Architects of the Year Share Advice for Aspiring Females - Image 3 of 4AJ’s Shortlisted Women Architects of the Year Share Advice for Aspiring Females - Image 4 of 4AJ’s Shortlisted Women Architects of the Year Share Advice for Aspiring Females - More Images+ 11

Four Design Firms' Takes on Multigenerational Living

Multigenerational homes are nothing new. But with life expectancy increasing, young people staying longer in their childhood homes, and Baby Boomers aging, children, parents, and grandparents under the same roof might soon become the norm. To explore this possibility, Metropolis Magazine asked four design firms to consider what multigenerational living might look like in the future. Check out each unique take on sharing resources and space by reading the article here.

Williamson Chong to Receive RAIC's Emerging Practice Award

First an Emerging Voices recipient, now a laureate of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s (RAIC) Emerging Architectural Practice Award; Toronto’s Williamson Chong Architects has proved themselves to be one of Northern America’s most promising firms. Founded just three short years ago, the seven-person practice has been chosen to be the RAIC’s second Emerging Practice Award recipient for “consistently producing innovating projects that contain quality detailing and craftsmanship.”

Architectural League Announces 2014 Winners of Emerging Voices Award

The Architectural League of New York has announced the winners of their 32nd annual Emerging Voices awards. The coveted recognition program spotlights eight emerging practitioners in North America whose “distinct design voices” have shown the potential to influence the disciplines of architecture, landscape design, and urbanism.

“The work of each Emerging Voice represents the best of its kind, and addresses larger issues within architecture, landscape, and the built environment,” described the League.  “This year, in particular, saw firms entrepreneurial in spirit, pursuing alternate forms of practice, often writing their own programs or serving as their own clients.”

This year’s eight Emerging Voices are...