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Well-Grounded Real Estate: The Latest Architecture and News

The Intersection of Sustainability and Affordability: In Conversation with Holcim Award Winner Jonathan Diamond, from Well-Grounded Real Estate

Celebrating groundbreaking projects that showcase sustainable construction practices, this year’s winners of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction 2023 highlight innovative approaches across various scales, forms, geographies, and forms. The Gold Prize for North America was awarded to Partisans Architects and Well-Grounded Real Estate with their high-tech, low-cost modular housing solution for urban living in Toronto. In a video interview for ArchDaily, Jonathan Diamond from Well-Grounded Real Estate discusses the development of the winning project and the forces that shaped it.

The Intersection of Sustainability and Affordability: In Conversation with Holcim Award Winner Jonathan Diamond,  from Well-Grounded Real Estate  - Image 1 of 4The Intersection of Sustainability and Affordability: In Conversation with Holcim Award Winner Jonathan Diamond,  from Well-Grounded Real Estate  - Image 2 of 4The Intersection of Sustainability and Affordability: In Conversation with Holcim Award Winner Jonathan Diamond,  from Well-Grounded Real Estate  - Image 3 of 4The Intersection of Sustainability and Affordability: In Conversation with Holcim Award Winner Jonathan Diamond,  from Well-Grounded Real Estate  - Image 4 of 4The Intersection of Sustainability and Affordability: In Conversation with Holcim Award Winner Jonathan Diamond,  from Well-Grounded Real Estate  - More Images+ 2