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Weiteveen: The Latest Architecture and News

20 Times Architecture Sheltered Animals, Not Humans

Architecture may have its roots in sheltering humans from the elements, but that is not to say that architecture is for humans alone. Around the world, there are numerous examples of buildings and shelters designed by architects for other species. Some of these can be whimsical, such as the Dogchitecture exhibit by 10 Mexican architecture firms back in 2013, or the series of BowWow Haus kennels designed by over 80 architects back in 2017, including Zaha Hadid Architects. But others are designed for a more direct impact.

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Sheepfold Bargerveen Barn / DAAD Architects

Sheepfold Bargerveen Barn / DAAD Architects - Interior Photography, Barn, Beam, FacadeSheepfold Bargerveen Barn / DAAD Architects - Interior Photography, Barn, Facade, DoorSheepfold Bargerveen Barn / DAAD Architects - BarnSheepfold Bargerveen Barn / DAAD Architects - BarnSheepfold Bargerveen Barn / DAAD Architects - More Images+ 15

Weiteveen, The Netherlands