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  2. Weber State University

Weber State University: The Latest Architecture and News

Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future

The United States Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm announced the winners of the 2021 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Decathlon, a competition that challenges architecture and engineering college students from around the world to design and construct high-performance buildings powered by renewable energy. 72 competing teams hailed from 12 countries and designed energy-efficient residential and commercial spaces, nine of which were constructed and presented in the Solar Decathlon Virtual Village on the National Mall, a first of its kind, in Washington, D.C.

Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 1 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 2 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 3 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 4 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - More Images+ 66