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Waterstruck Bricks: The Latest Architecture and News

Exploring Linear Brick Aesthetics in Contemporary Architecture

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Bricks are versatile and long-lasting building materials that combine technical and aesthetic qualities. In a variety of shapes, dimensions, textures, and colors –depending on the manufacturing process and type of clay– incorporating bricks into architecture creates dynamic facades and structures. From traditional to modern styles, these versatile elements can be arranged in different patterns and easily integrated with other building materials, enabling diverse architectural expressions. In addition to these qualities, the use of bricks in contemporary architecture is distinguished by experimenting with placement, orientation, and material textures, as well as embracing minimalistic design principles focused on simple and clean lines.

Among the different types of bricks, designing with a linear or elongated style involves playing with horizontal and vertical arrangements –or a combination of both– creating modular patterns for a rhythmic and harmonious visual appeal. Following this format, Randers Tegl has developed the Ultima waterstruck brick collection, which integrates craftsmanship, high-quality materials, and timeless appeal. By analyzing various projects, we showcase how the aesthetics of linear bricks are applied in contemporary architecture.

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Using Waterstruck Bricks as a Design Feature

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Identified as small rectangular blocks made of fired or sun-dried clay, bricks have traditionally been used for building pavements, walls and other elements of masonry construction. Laid in courses or rows and joined together with mortar, bricks are known for their strong structural strength and durability. But beyond their basic functional purposes, their multiple patterns, sizes and shapes allow for a distinctive aesthetic with an infinite design versatility, becoming a design feature themselves. Showcasing an example of aesthetic brickwork, we will take a closer look of Villa Peer, an architecture project in Belgium that uses Randers Tegl’s long format waterstruck bricks as the main design feature for the whole building’s facade.