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Waterproof: The Latest Architecture and News

Introspection, Elevation, Covering-Up: Radical Architectural Operations for Adverse Climates

The flexibility of architecture allows it to continuously change and adjust its form in response to technological progress, social and artistic trends, and the collective experiences we undergo. Large-scale global events, such as the transatlantic migrations of the 19th century, the impact of tuberculosis on design, and most recently, the effects of the last major global health crisis (COVID-19), have all played significant roles in shaping the evolution of architecture.

In the context of the climate crisis, the role of architecture and urbanism has been extensively debated, as it represents one of the greatest challenges of this century. It is undeniable that while there are active efforts through policies and innovation to prevent reaching a point of no return, architecture is already adapting to the changes and extreme conditions caused by it. Rather than thinking of a distant or dystopian future scenario, the gradual changes in climatic conditions have been drivers for modifying, through architectural operations, how we conceive contemporary buildings.

Design Guide: Working with Fiber Cement Facades

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The manipulation and combination of materials are ongoing pursuits in architecture. This has not only broadened the possibilities for construction but also enabled the creation of distinctive shapes and aesthetics by using the same materiality. An example of this is Portland cement, an essential element in the mixture of water and aggregates that make concrete, which allows the creation of both load-bearing and decorative elements. In parallel, as a result of the exploration of innovative materials, fiber cement emerged (invented by Ludwig Hatschek) at the end of the 19th century, combining Portland cement, mineral-based materials, and cellulose fibers.

Nowadays, fiber cement —distinguished by its key technical qualities of slenderness, lightness, durability, and flexible aesthetics— has stood out in various applications associated with design, ranging from furnishings to facade systems. It is in the latter where it has adopted notable expressions due to its textures, incombustibility, rain resistance, and malleability. For this reason, we have developed a design guide that addresses the use of fiber cement, exploring the principles that should be considered when designing the facade, regarding its materiality, dimensions, layout, details, and special applications.

Climate-Proof Architecture: Supertextured Cladding for Extreme Conditions

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One of the primary functions of architecture is to provide shelter, fulfilling the physiological and safety needs at the base of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human motivation. Throughout history, the need for shelter has been evident in our ancestors’ behavior, who sought refuge in caves to protect themselves from weather conditions and predators. As societies shifted from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle and basic needs were easily met, shelters became more advanced, evolving into purpose-built spaces. These early shelters withstood the elements of their time and laid the foundation for modern architecture as we know it today.

Today, extreme weather conditions due to climate change are testing cities, buildings and materials. Venice is flooding, and the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is experiencing melting ice. Without action, conditions will continue to worsen, increasing the need for efficient strategies that allow us to coexist with the environment and to develop more resistant materials for our buildings. An example of these materials of the future is NATURCLAD-B, a high-quality, maintenance-free wood panel system designed for architecture, interior design and construction.

Hazard-Proof Fabrics for Interior Design: Repellent, Acoustic and Fireproof

Beyond their features in the world of fashion, fabrics can also be an essential part of an interior design’s creative possibilities. While enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a space, these versatile materials –made from fibers or yarn that have been interlaced, knitted, or bonded together– also provide functionality to space. As part of a holistic architectural strategy, these natural and synthetic elements are essential for designing upholstery for furniture, curtains and drapes, space divisions and wall coverings. Changing the traditional notion of fabrics –known as stain collectors, bug homes and easily catching fire– the latest design innovations are exploring properties which take the use of fabrics one step further. Diving into Architonic’s fabric catalog, we take a look at different products with distinctive acoustic, fireproof and repellent properties.

Hazard-Proof Fabrics for Interior Design: Repellent, Acoustic and Fireproof - Image 1 of 4Hazard-Proof Fabrics for Interior Design: Repellent, Acoustic and Fireproof - Image 2 of 4Hazard-Proof Fabrics for Interior Design: Repellent, Acoustic and Fireproof - Image 3 of 4Hazard-Proof Fabrics for Interior Design: Repellent, Acoustic and Fireproof - Image 4 of 4Hazard-Proof Fabrics for Interior Design: Repellent, Acoustic and Fireproof - More Images+ 36