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War Bunker: The Latest Architecture and News

Drozdov & Partners is Transforming Schools into Temporary Shelters for Internally Displaced People in Ukraine

One of the most urgent problems faced by Ukrainians today is the unsettled situation faced by displaced citizens, along with the challenge of returning to the cities they were forced to abandon earlier this year. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has shared that efforts to rebuild Ukraine will require ‘colossal investments’, and as leaders gather to work out ‘Marshall plan’ to rebuild the country, local architects have already begun developing emergency housing, healthcare, and educational facilities in cities further away from the Russian border.

As a temporary solution to the displacement of north-eastern and eastern Ukrainians, Drozdov&Partners, together with Replus Bureau and Ponomarenko Bureau, have begun refurbishing shelters for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Lviv and its region, using school campuses and other large-scale facilities as temporary housing.

Drozdov & Partners is Transforming Schools into Temporary Shelters for Internally Displaced People in Ukraine - Featured ImageDrozdov & Partners is Transforming Schools into Temporary Shelters for Internally Displaced People in Ukraine - Image 1 of 4Drozdov & Partners is Transforming Schools into Temporary Shelters for Internally Displaced People in Ukraine - Image 2 of 4Drozdov & Partners is Transforming Schools into Temporary Shelters for Internally Displaced People in Ukraine - Image 3 of 4Drozdov & Partners is Transforming Schools into Temporary Shelters for Internally Displaced People in Ukraine - More Images

From War Relic to Mixed-Use: Plans to Build a “Green Mountain” Atop a Bunker in Hamburg

A team of local residents and architects in Hamburg’s neighborhood of St. Pauli have been granted planning permission for a proposal to repurpose a war bunker dating back from the 1940s. Coined Hilldegarden, the proposal seeks to create a “green mountain” garden atop the disused roof of the bunker along with a range of mixed-use projects that increase its height by several stories. “We are rebuilding what we inherit.” The project’s initiative states, “Adding something to history while dealing with it and thereby reshaping history itself.”

From War Relic to Mixed-Use: Plans to Build a “Green Mountain” Atop a Bunker in Hamburg - Image 1 of 4From War Relic to Mixed-Use: Plans to Build a “Green Mountain” Atop a Bunker in Hamburg - Image 2 of 4From War Relic to Mixed-Use: Plans to Build a “Green Mountain” Atop a Bunker in Hamburg - Image 4 of 4From War Relic to Mixed-Use: Plans to Build a “Green Mountain” Atop a Bunker in Hamburg - Image 3 of 4From War Relic to Mixed-Use: Plans to Build a “Green Mountain” Atop a Bunker in Hamburg - More Images+ 14