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Wadden Sea: The Latest Architecture and News

Dorte Mandrup Reveals Design for the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center, in Lauwersoog, Netherlands

After the Wadden Sea Center in Denmark and the Trilateral Wadden Sea World Heritage Partnership Center in Germany, the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center marks Dorte Mandrup’s third project in this unique environment. Created as a spiraling movement upwards and around, rising from the harbor, the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center is a “working field station that wants to engage visitors and aims at making them active participants”.

Dorte Mandrup Reveals Design for the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center, in Lauwersoog, Netherlands - Image 1 of 4Dorte Mandrup Reveals Design for the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center, in Lauwersoog, Netherlands - Image 2 of 4Dorte Mandrup Reveals Design for the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center, in Lauwersoog, Netherlands - Image 3 of 4Dorte Mandrup Reveals Design for the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center, in Lauwersoog, Netherlands - Image 4 of 4Dorte Mandrup Reveals Design for the Wadden Sea World Heritage Center, in Lauwersoog, Netherlands - More Images+ 3

Dorte Mandrup to Design Her Third UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea Project

Denmark-based architect Dorte Mandrup has won her third UNESCO World Heritage Center project, with her design of the Trilateral Wadden Sea World Heritage Partnership Centre. The project was the winner in a contest to design a new headquarters for the Centre, an organization that aims to protect the Wadden Sea and is jointly run by Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands.