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  2. Vlad S. Rusu

Vlad S. Rusu: The Latest Architecture and News

Transylvania Cultural Center / Ioana Mihaela Agachi, Octav S. Olanescu, Anamaria C. Popa & Vlad S. Rusu

Transylvania Cultural Center / Ioana Mihaela Agachi, Octav S. Olanescu, Anamaria C. Popa & Vlad S. Rusu - Image 7 of 4
Courtesy of Ioana Mihaela Agachi, Octav S. Olanescu, Anamaria C. Popa & Vlad S. Rusu

Ioana Mihaela Agachi, Octav S. Olanescu, Anamaria C. Popa and Vlad S. Rusu shared with us their first prize entry for the Transylvania Cultural Center. The competition was initiated by the Cluj-Napoca’s city administration to determine the best solution for the design theme for a new Cultural Center which is based on the city’s Cultural Developement Strategy. The new Cultural Center was designed to host a new Philharmonic Hall, offices, restaurants, spaces for performing artists, a building for restoration facilities and different exhibition spaces. More images and their description after the break.