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Vivienda Unifamiliar: The Latest Architecture and News

Architecture Classics: Gilardi House / Luis Barragán

Architecture Classics: Gilardi House / Luis Barragán - Image 1 of 4Architecture Classics: Gilardi House / Luis Barragán - Image 2 of 4Architecture Classics: Gilardi House / Luis Barragán - Image 3 of 4Architecture Classics: Gilardi House / Luis Barragán - Image 4 of 4Architecture Classics: Gilardi House / Luis Barragán - More Images+ 43

The great architect Luis Barragán, at 80 years of age, and after almost 10 years of inactivity, carried out his last work on a plot of land measuring 10x36 meters, between party walls in Mexico City. A work that reflects the influence of Mexican culture and painters Diego Rivera and Frida Kalho, where the most interesting thing, according to Barragán, was the challenge of the enormous jacaranda tree that had to be maintained, and the pool requested by the owner as part of the program.

The small pink house, which closes towards the street, reinforcing its interiority, is ordered on the longitudinal axis of the plot. Towards the back, the house is divided into two; the front volume, which contains the services and bedrooms, and the back, where the living room, dining room, and pool are located. These two volumes are joined by a corridor, forming a patio that surrounds the Jacaranda tree.

Architecture Classics: Casa-Estudio Luis Barragán / Luis Barragán

Built in 1948, this Mexican modern house, designed by Luis Barragán, is recognized for its international significance. The house-studio, inhabited by the architect himself until 1988, incorporates principles of the vernacular architecture of the region in its design, including the use of striking colors. Barragán has been one of the most influential Mexican architects, and his house is one of the most visited places in Mexico City.

Hybrid Homes: Living and Working Collide in These 26 Projects

Hybrid Homes: Living and Working Collide in These 26 Projects - Image 1 of 4Hybrid Homes: Living and Working Collide in These 26 Projects - Image 2 of 4Hybrid Homes: Living and Working Collide in These 26 Projects - Image 3 of 4Hybrid Homes: Living and Working Collide in These 26 Projects - Image 4 of 4Hybrid Homes: Living and Working Collide in These 26 Projects - More Images+ 22

Normally, houses are divided into common areas, rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. However, sometimes the client demands to add other programs related to their work or hobbies, making efficient design and daily spatial distribution more complex. As architects, we are faced with an interesting challenge: to merge the private life of its inhabitants with more public and open programs, generating exciting mixed-use spaces.

If you are interested in designing hybrid homes, we have selected 26 houses with additions including shops, soccer fields, barns, greenhouses, and even skateparks.

Fuentes House / DMP Arquitectura

Fuentes House / DMP Arquitectura - HousesFuentes House / DMP Arquitectura - HousesFuentes House / DMP Arquitectura - HousesFuentes House / DMP Arquitectura - HousesFuentes House / DMP Arquitectura - More Images+ 16

Naucalpan, Mexico
  • Architects: DMP Arquitectura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  695
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012