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Village Building: The Latest Architecture and News

UNDP and Tosin Oshinowo Reveal Rebuilt Nigerian Village for a Community Displaced

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is working with the Nigerian Government to develop Rebuilding Ngarannam, a stabilization program in Northeast Nigeria that offers a new village to a community displaced by Boko Haram. The new urban plan and infrastructure were designed by Nigerian Consultant Architect Tosin Oshninowo, who consulted with the community to create a settlement that reflects and speaks to their culture. The first phase, which includes housing and essential services like education and healthcare facilities, is set to be complete in the summer of 2022.

UNDP and Tosin Oshinowo Reveal Rebuilt Nigerian Village for a Community Displaced  - Image 1 of 4UNDP and Tosin Oshinowo Reveal Rebuilt Nigerian Village for a Community Displaced  - Image 2 of 4UNDP and Tosin Oshinowo Reveal Rebuilt Nigerian Village for a Community Displaced  - Image 3 of 4UNDP and Tosin Oshinowo Reveal Rebuilt Nigerian Village for a Community Displaced  - Image 4 of 4UNDP and Tosin Oshinowo Reveal Rebuilt Nigerian Village for a Community Displaced  - More Images+ 10

The Contemporary Transformation of Traditional Chinese Architecture

The American architect, designer, and futurist Buckminster Fuller once defined the Dymaxion principle as “constructing ever more with ever less weight, time, and ergs per each given level of functional performance.”