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Usonian: The Latest Architecture and News

Stay in a Recently Restored Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian Home, the Eppstein House

Ever wanted to spend the night in a classic Frank Lloyd Wright house? Here’s your chance.

The Eppstein House, one of Wright’s Usonian designs built in 1953, has been restored to its original beauty by owners Marika Broere and Tony Hillebrandt and is now accepting visitors for a limited time through Airbnb. Located in Galesburg, Michigan, the house was originally designed as part of a planned Usonian community intended to contain 21 homes, though just four ended up being built.

Stay in a Recently Restored Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian Home, the Eppstein House - Image 1 of 4Stay in a Recently Restored Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian Home, the Eppstein House - Image 2 of 4Stay in a Recently Restored Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian Home, the Eppstein House - Image 3 of 4Stay in a Recently Restored Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian Home, the Eppstein House - Image 4 of 4Stay in a Recently Restored Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian Home, the Eppstein House - More Images+ 13