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Urbanus Architecture & Design: The Latest Architecture and News

A Mountain Retreat in Romania and Modular Housing Units in Australia: 11 Unbuilt Projects by Established Firms

This week’s curated selection of Best Unbuilt Architecture highlights projects submitted by established firms. From river-side commercial centers to mixed-use towers, this article explores commercial and residential functions designed by global architecture offices that are either conceptual, have won first-prize in design competitions, or are currently being realized.

Featuring a pedestrian bridge by Grimshaw Architects in France, and a finance-district skyscraper dubbed as the "Lighthouse of the 21st Century" by Ronald Lu & Partners, this roundup explores how established architecture firms have designed buildings that cater to the spatial and environmental needs of their users and respective functions. This round up also includes designs from SOM, IMPLMNT, Gensler, and Aedas, among other notable architects.

A Mountain Retreat in Romania and Modular Housing Units in Australia: 11 Unbuilt Projects by Established Firms  - Image 6 of 4A Mountain Retreat in Romania and Modular Housing Units in Australia: 11 Unbuilt Projects by Established Firms  - Image 13 of 4A Mountain Retreat in Romania and Modular Housing Units in Australia: 11 Unbuilt Projects by Established Firms  - Image 46 of 4A Mountain Retreat in Romania and Modular Housing Units in Australia: 11 Unbuilt Projects by Established Firms  - Image 57 of 4A Mountain Retreat in Romania and Modular Housing Units in Australia: 11 Unbuilt Projects by Established Firms  - More Images+ 64