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  2. University of Hawaii

University of Hawaii: The Latest Architecture and News

Four Presidential Libraries for Obama to Consider

Of the four locations that are under consideration to host the future Barack Obama presidential library, two have released visions of what could be if their sites were selected - the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and the University of Hawaii at Honolulu (UH). UH, who’s offering a stunning oceanside site on Waikiki Beach, paired Snøhetta, MOS, and Allied Works Architecture with local architects to draw up proposals, all of which share a deep connection to nature. UIC, on the other hand, has proposed an idea that reinterprets the library as a systemized network of public infrastructure focused on revitalization.

View all four proposals, after the break.

Four Presidential Libraries for Obama to Consider  - Image 1 of 4Four Presidential Libraries for Obama to Consider  - Image 2 of 4Four Presidential Libraries for Obama to Consider  - Image 3 of 4Four Presidential Libraries for Obama to Consider  - Image 4 of 4Four Presidential Libraries for Obama to Consider  - More Images+ 13