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Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future

The United States Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm announced the winners of the 2021 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Decathlon, a competition that challenges architecture and engineering college students from around the world to design and construct high-performance buildings powered by renewable energy. 72 competing teams hailed from 12 countries and designed energy-efficient residential and commercial spaces, nine of which were constructed and presented in the Solar Decathlon Virtual Village on the National Mall, a first of its kind, in Washington, D.C.

Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 1 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 2 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 3 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - Image 4 of 4Winners of 2021 Solar Decathlon Design and Build Challenges Construct Houses for a Cleaner Future  - More Images+ 66

AIA Announces Winners of the 2017 Small Project Awards

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has selected 11 recipients of the 2017 Small Project Awards. This is the 14th edition of the program, which was established to recognize "small-project practitioners for the high quality of their work and to promote excellence in small-project design."

This year the winners have been placed into three categories: 

  • Category 1: small project construction, object, work of environmental art or architectural design element up to $150,000 in construction cost
  • Category 2: small project construction, up to $1,500,000 in construction cost
  • Category 3: small project construction, object, work of environmental art or architectural design under 5,000 square feet

This year’s winners include a wide variety of program types and sites. Continue after the break for the list and descriptions of the projects.

AIA Announces Winners of the 2017 Small Project Awards - Image 1 of 4AIA Announces Winners of the 2017 Small Project Awards - Image 28 of 4AIA Announces Winners of the 2017 Small Project Awards - Image 35 of 4AIA Announces Winners of the 2017 Small Project Awards - Image 40 of 4AIA Announces Winners of the 2017 Small Project Awards - More Images+ 56