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Uneven Growth: The Latest Architecture and News

Tactical Urbanism: What are its Limits in the Public Realm?

Today, one of the most popular initiatives regarding public space, participatory design and activism in the city is the so-called citizen urbanism or tactical urbanism. The approach proposes to trigger, through limited and low-cost interventions, long-term changes in public space, i.e. short-term action, long-term change (Street Plans, 2013).

The strategy used is to create temporary scenarios that make visible a specific problem and the formation of specific interventions to solve it, seeking to incorporate the community to give it relevance and promote its sustainability over time and, in this way, raise the discussion about the benefits of the projects for the quality of life in the context in which they are inserted.

Share Your Tactical Urbanism Ideas with MoMA

Along with rapid urban expansion comes uneven growth - one of the largest threats that face our society. Determined to combat this issue, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) sparked an international debate with the opening of Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities. The exhibition, a culmination of a 14-month initiative, highlights emergent modes of tactical urbanism from around the globe that offer ideas on how to mitigate inequality and preserve livability within an increasingly-expanding world.

Inequality and Informality in New York: SITU Studio's Proposal for MoMA's Uneven Growth Exhibition

When it comes to discussing informal housing, it's usually cities in developing nations that take the spotlight - however, as revealed by SITU Studio's contribution to MoMA's Uneven Growth exhibition, issues of informal housing are indeed present in cities across the spectrum of development. In this interview, originally posted on Arup Connect as "Inequality and informality in New York," Sarah Wesseler speaks to SITU Studio principle Bradley Samuels about their unconventional proposal to address an issue that is frequently overlooked in New York city policy.

Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities, a newly opened exhibit at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, focuses on the complex relationship between urbanization and inequality. Over the 14-month period leading up to the launch, six interdisciplinary teams explored how these issues are playing out in different parts of the world, each developing an architectural response for a specific city.

Architecture firm SITU Studio (together with Cohabitation Strategies [CohStra]) was tasked with studying its home city, New York. (Arup transport planner Michael Amabile also consulted with the team.) We spoke with SITU principal Bradley Samuels about the project.

Inequality and Informality in New York: SITU Studio's Proposal for MoMA's Uneven Growth Exhibition - Image 1 of 4Inequality and Informality in New York: SITU Studio's Proposal for MoMA's Uneven Growth Exhibition - Image 2 of 4Inequality and Informality in New York: SITU Studio's Proposal for MoMA's Uneven Growth Exhibition - Image 3 of 4Inequality and Informality in New York: SITU Studio's Proposal for MoMA's Uneven Growth Exhibition - Image 4 of 4Inequality and Informality in New York: SITU Studio's Proposal for MoMA's Uneven Growth Exhibition - More Images+ 5