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UC Berkeley College: The Latest Architecture and News

The Curb Cut Effect: How Accessible Architecture is Benefiting Everybody

The fabric of our cities is shaped by millions of small decisions and adaptations, many of which have become integral to our experience. Nowadays taken for granted, some of these elements were revolutionary at the time of their implementation. One such element is the curb cut, the small ramp grading down the sidewalk to connect it to the adjoining street, allowing wheelchair users and people with motor disabilities to easily move onto and off the sidewalk. This seemingly small adaptation has proven to be unexpectedly useful for a wider range of people, including parents with strollers, cyclists, delivery workers, etc. Consequently, it lends its name to a wider phenomenon, the “curb cut effect”, where accommodations and improvements made for a minority end up benefiting a much larger population in expected and unexpected ways.

The Curb Cut Effect: How Accessible Architecture is Benefiting Everybody - Image 1 of 4The Curb Cut Effect: How Accessible Architecture is Benefiting Everybody - Image 2 of 4The Curb Cut Effect: How Accessible Architecture is Benefiting Everybody - Image 3 of 4The Curb Cut Effect: How Accessible Architecture is Benefiting Everybody - Image 4 of 4The Curb Cut Effect: How Accessible Architecture is Benefiting Everybody - More Images+ 5

UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design’s 2017 Summer Programs are Now Accepting Applications

How do designers think? How do they visually communicate complex ideas? What strategies do they employ to make a positive impact on the built environment? How does design change the way people see and experience the world?

The College of Environmental Design offers several introductory and advanced programs for those interested in exploring these questions in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and environmental planning, urban design and sustainable city planning.

Please visit our Summer Programs website to view images of student portfolio work and learn more about the CED Summer experience. You may submit your application here: