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  2. Truckee

Truckee: The Latest Architecture and News

Analog House / Olson Kundig + Faulkner Architects

Analog House / Olson Kundig + Faulkner Architects - Exterior Photography, Detail, Facade, ForestAnalog House / Olson Kundig + Faulkner Architects - Exterior Photography, Detail, Facade, ForestAnalog House / Olson Kundig + Faulkner Architects - Interior Photography, Detail, Facade, ChairAnalog House / Olson Kundig + Faulkner Architects - Interior Photography, Detail, Beam, Table, ChairAnalog House / Olson Kundig + Faulkner Architects - More Images+ 15

Forest House / Faulkner Architects

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Truckee, CA, United States, United States

Lookout House / Faulkner Architects

Lookout House / Faulkner Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, Table, Lighting, ChairLookout House / Faulkner Architects - Interior Photography, Houses, TableLookout House / Faulkner Architects - Exterior Photography, HousesLookout House / Faulkner Architects - Exterior Photography, HousesLookout House / Faulkner Architects - More Images+ 31

Mountainside Stellar Residences and Townhomes / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Mountainside Stellar Residences and Townhomes / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Houses, Facade, ForestMountainside Stellar Residences and Townhomes / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Houses, Kitchen, Door, Beam, Table, ChairMountainside Stellar Residences and Townhomes / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Houses, ForestMountainside Stellar Residences and Townhomes / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Houses, Door, Beam, Facade, Table, ChairMountainside Stellar Residences and Townhomes / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - More Images+ 11

Schroeder Court Residence / Marmol Radziner

Schroeder Court Residence / Marmol Radziner - Houses, Garden, Facade, ForestSchroeder Court Residence / Marmol Radziner - Houses, Garden, Facade, HandrailSchroeder Court Residence / Marmol Radziner - Houses, Beam, Facade, Table, ChairSchroeder Court Residence / Marmol Radziner - Houses, Facade, ForestSchroeder Court Residence / Marmol Radziner - More Images+ 24

Invisible Barn / stpmj

Invisible Barn / stpmj - Barn, Facade, Arch, ForestInvisible Barn / stpmj - Barn, Garden, Door, ForestInvisible Barn / stpmj - Barn, Garden, Beam, Facade, Column, ForestInvisible Barn / stpmj - Barn, Garden, Facade, Door, Beam, ForestInvisible Barn / stpmj - More Images+ 17

  • Architects: stpmj
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  72 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2015
  • Professionals: Dan Sayler + stpmj