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  2. Tottori

Tottori: The Latest Architecture and News

House with Indoor Garden / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates

House with Indoor Garden / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, Beam, Table, ChairHouse with Indoor Garden / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Interior Photography, Houses, FacadeHouse with Indoor Garden / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, HandrailHouse with Indoor Garden / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeHouse with Indoor Garden / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - More Images+ 12

Tottori, Japan
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  58
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Ashford Japan Inc, Daiko

Tottori Takahama Café / Kengo Kuma & Associates

Tottori Takahama Café / Kengo Kuma & Associates - Exterior Photography, Installations & Structures, Facade, Stairs, BeamTottori Takahama Café / Kengo Kuma & Associates - Exterior Photography, Installations & Structures, Facade, BenchTottori Takahama Café / Kengo Kuma & Associates - Interior Photography, Installations & Structures, Stairs, Beam, Chair, TableTottori Takahama Café / Kengo Kuma & Associates - Exterior Photography, Installations & Structures, Beam, ForestTottori Takahama Café / Kengo Kuma & Associates - More Images+ 10

House with a Small Library / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates

House with a Small Library / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, DoorHouse with a Small Library / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Interior Photography, HousesHouse with a Small Library / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Beam, Table, ChairHouse with a Small Library / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeHouse with a Small Library / Hiroshi Kinoshita and Associates - More Images+ 12

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  72
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Ashford Japan, Daiko

Daisen Work Hut / Niimori Jamison Architects

Daisen Work Hut / Niimori Jamison Architects - Exterior Photography, OfficesDaisen Work Hut / Niimori Jamison Architects - Exterior Photography, OfficesDaisen Work Hut / Niimori Jamison Architects - Interior Photography, OfficesDaisen Work Hut / Niimori Jamison Architects - Interior Photography, Offices, FacadeDaisen Work Hut / Niimori Jamison Architects - More Images+ 8

Tottori, Japan

Mimosa House / marutau arqui

Mimosa House / marutau arqui - Interior Photography, Houses, Beam, FacadeMimosa House / marutau arqui - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, HandrailMimosa House / marutau arqui - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, Table, LightingMimosa House / marutau arqui - Interior Photography, Houses, BeamMimosa House / marutau arqui - More Images+ 20

Tottori, Japan
  • Architects: marutau arqui
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  199
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Awaza, Maruso, Moiré, Nagoya Mosaic, Planet Wall, +1
  • Professionals: JUKEN, Pianta-Piatto

Daikin Ales Aoya Expansion / Takenaka Corporation

Daikin Ales Aoya Expansion / Takenaka Corporation - Exterior Photography, Office BuildingsDaikin Ales Aoya Expansion / Takenaka Corporation - Interior Photography, Office BuildingsDaikin Ales Aoya Expansion / Takenaka Corporation - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeDaikin Ales Aoya Expansion / Takenaka Corporation - Exterior Photography, Office Buildings, FacadeDaikin Ales Aoya Expansion / Takenaka Corporation - More Images+ 21

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  30402
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AutoDesk, GRAPHISOFT, ARTERIOR / VORWERK, Asahi souken, GANTAN BEAUTY INDUSTRY, +16

YM Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro

YM Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Interior Photography, Day CareYM Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Interior Photography, Day Care, Stairs, LightingYM Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Interior Photography, Day Care, Table, ChairYM Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Exterior Photography, Day Care, FacadeYM Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - More Images+ 36

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1145
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Bozo, KIDS DESIGN LABO, Runon

House in Daisen / Osumi Yuso Architects Office

House in Daisen  / Osumi Yuso Architects Office - Houses, Deck, Beam, Table, ChairHouse in Daisen  / Osumi Yuso Architects Office - Houses, Door, Beam, Facade, Arch, Column, ArcadeHouse in Daisen  / Osumi Yuso Architects Office - Houses, Door, Facade, Arch, StairsHouse in Daisen  / Osumi Yuso Architects Office - Houses, Door, Facade, Column, BeamHouse in Daisen  / Osumi Yuso Architects Office - More Images+ 10

Tottori, Japan

Residence of Daisen / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design

Residence of Daisen / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses, ForestResidence of Daisen / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses, Garden, ForestResidence of Daisen / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses, Deck, Stairs, Door, Facade, Fence, Handrail, ChairResidence of Daisen / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - Houses, Facade, ForestResidence of Daisen / Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design - More Images+ 19

Yonago, Japan