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  2. Tivat

Tivat: The Latest Architecture and News

Tourist Villas ''The TWO'' / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design

Tourist Villas ''The TWO'' / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Exterior Photography, Houses, Door, FacadeTourist Villas ''The TWO'' / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Interior Photography, Houses, StairsTourist Villas ''The TWO'' / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeTourist Villas ''The TWO'' / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Exterior Photography, HousesTourist Villas ''The TWO'' / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - More Images+ 20

APSS Crossing Temporary 2018 | Call for Participants

APSS is a summer school of architecture located in Boka Bay, Montenegro, For six years now it has been acting as a platform for architecture, urbanism, informal education with studies and research that has lead to more projects such as Montenegro Pavilion at Venice Biennale in 2104 and 2016 that has originated from APSS work. After our Re-Use series in APSS, we have continued our journey with the topic of TEMPORARY in architecture, this year extended to CROSSING TEMPORARY.

Touristic Villa ‘S, M, L’ / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design

Touristic Villa ‘S, M, L’ / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Houses, Facade, Beam, ColumnTouristic Villa ‘S, M, L’ / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Houses, Deck, Beam, Facade, Handrail, Balcony, ColumnTouristic Villa ‘S, M, L’ / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Houses, FacadeTouristic Villa ‘S, M, L’ / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - Houses, Door, Facade, Beam, Chair, TableTouristic Villa ‘S, M, L’ / STUDIO SYNTHESIS architecture & design - More Images+ 28