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Tippet Rise Art Center: The Latest Architecture and News

Francis Kéré Designs a Wooden Art Pavilion for Tippet Rise

Berlin-based Burkinabé architect Diébédo Francis Kéré has designed a wooden pavilion for Tippet Rise Art Center in Montana. In addition to the pavilion, the Tippet Rise Fund of the Sidney E. Frank Foundation will also support Kéré's work to build an environmentally sustainable secondary school in Burkina Faso called Naaba Belem Goumma. Kéré designed the project in the Beartooth Mountains so visitors can experience a "rain of light" as sunlight filters through a structure of vertically stacked logs.

Francis Kéré to Design New Pine Log Pavilion for Tippet Rise Art Center

Tippet Rise Art Center has announced the commissioning of architect Francis Kéré to design a 1,900-square-foot pavilion for the center’s 10,000-acre grounds in Montana, USA. Envisioned as a “communal gathering space nestled among a cluster of aspen and cottonwood trees,” new renderings by Kéré Architecture depict the scheme featuring a locally-sourced log canopy.

The scheme can be read as an evolution of Kéré’s canopy structures designed for the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art near Copenhagen, and his 2017 Serpentine Pavilion in London.

Francis Kéré to Design New Pine Log Pavilion for Tippet Rise Art Center - Image 1 of 4Francis Kéré to Design New Pine Log Pavilion for Tippet Rise Art Center - Image 2 of 4Francis Kéré to Design New Pine Log Pavilion for Tippet Rise Art Center - Image 3 of 4Francis Kéré to Design New Pine Log Pavilion for Tippet Rise Art Center - Image 4 of 4Francis Kéré to Design New Pine Log Pavilion for Tippet Rise Art Center - More Images+ 2